服务三农 扩大出口 走产业化发展之路

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湖南省茶叶总公司是集贸工农一体化、融产供销一条龙,内外贸并举的国家大型企业、是湖南省人民政府和中华全国供销合作总社确立的农业产业化重点龙头企业。公司年经营茶叶3.5万吨,占湖南省茶叶商品总量的70%。2002年全年实现销售收入2.28亿元,实现利税800余万元,出口各类茶叶1万吨,创汇1000万美元。公司从1999年获得进出口权到2002年4年时间,茶叶出口从零开始,到1000万美元,出口额年均增长119.95%,其中出口红茶占全国红茶出口总 Hunan Tea Corporation is a national large-scale enterprise that integrates trade, agriculture and industry, integrates production, supply and marketing, and develops both domestic and foreign trade. It is a leading agricultural industrialization enterprise established by Hunan Provincial People’s Government and the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives. The company operating 35,000 tons of tea, tea products in Hunan Province accounted for 70% of the total. In 2002, the Company realized sales revenue of 228 million yuan for the whole year, realized profits and taxes of over 800 million yuan, exported 10,000 tons of various kinds of tea and earned foreign exchange of 10 million U.S. dollars. Import and export company from 1999 to 4 years in 2002, tea exports from scratch to 10 million US dollars, the average annual export growth of 119.95%, of which exports of black tea exports total black tea
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