高一上 综合检测题

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  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. A gift. B. Donald.
  C. School boys.
  2. What color does the man prefer?
  A. Light blue. B. Yellow.
  C. Pink.
  3. How much does the computer cost now?
  A. 4,000 dollars. B. 4,500 dollars.
  C. 5,000 dollars.
  4. What is the man going to do?
  A. See a film. B. Take a rest.
  C. Give a lesson.
  5. What can we conclude from this conversation?
  A. They like literature rather than science.
  B. They both like American literature more.
  C. They both like English literature more.
  6. What’s the name of Paul’s new book?
  A. The Adventures of the Martians(火星人).
  B. Travel to Mars.
  C. Martian Culture.
  7. How many people traveled to Mars?
  A. 5. B. 6.
  C. 7.
  8. How long did the travel to Mars take?
  A. One year. B. Three years.
  C. Five years.
  9. Where is the woman going?
  A. To her office. B. To her school.
  C. To the airport.
  10. What is the woman worried about?
  A. Her being late for school.
  B. Her missing the plane.
  C. Her not being able to catch her train.
  11. When does the driver think they will get there?
  A. At about 9:50. B. At about 10:15.
  C. At about 9:45.
  12. Where is the woman from?
  A. Chicago. B. New York.
  C. Paris.
  13. Where does the man come from?
  A. America. B. Britain.
  C. Canada.
  14. What makes the man feel puzzled?
  A. The time they met before.
  B. The place where the woman comes from.
  C. The map of the west of New York.
  15. How does the man usually do home shopping?
  A. By TV. B. By Internet.
  C. By mail order.
  16. What did the man buy last year?
  A. A jacket. B. A coat.
  C. A hat.
  17. What does the man think of what he bought last year?
  A. It is unfit. B. It is expensive.
  C. It is unnecessary.
  18. What is the main purpose of the talk?
  A. To describe some plants and animals.   B. To persuade the listeners to go on a tour.
  C. To make the listeners familiar with the area.
  19. What can the listeners do at Summit Lake?
  A. Rest and take photos. B. Go boating or swimming.
  C. Cook lunch over a campfire.
  20. What would be part of the trip?
  A. Climbing up rocks. B. Fishing in a stream.
  C. Walking through a field.
  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. With the help of the new teacher, ___ number of the students in my class who have made ___ great progress in English up to now is far larger.
  A. a; a B. a; /
  C. the; / D. the; a
  22. The children ___ in the desert several weeks on biscuits and water before people came to save them.
  A. survived B. have survived
  C. would survive D. were surviving
  23. As is known to us all, ___ attention you pay to your spelling, ___ mistakes you will make.
  A. more; fewer B. the less; the fewer
  C. the less; the more D. the more; the less
  24. — I’m wondering why he failed all the examinations, including
  — That’s just ___ he was addicted to computer games.
  A. now that B. because
  C. as D. for
  25. — Your brother is really crazy about football.
  — Indeed, these days he ___ stayed up late to watch football
  A. occasionally B. rarely
  C. seldom D. frequently
  26. With this scientific studying method, so far, his English vocabulary has become ___ three years ago.
  A. as large as several times that of his
  B. several times that of his
  C. more than several times
  D. several times as larger as
  27. He admitted ___ disappointed that he couldn’t afford ___ Shanghai this summer vacation.
  A. feeling; visiting B. to feel; visiting
  C. to feel; to visit D. feeling; to visit
  28. To be safe, do make sure that you won’t try to get off the bus ___ it has stopped completely.
  A. when B. after
  C. while D. before
  29. — How are you feeling today?
  — ___ . I don’t think I can go to school tomorrow.
  A. Much better B. Still better
  C. Even worse D. Very worse
  30. If it should continue to rain like this in the following days, we would have to ___ our social activity until next month.
  A. take off B. put off
  C. give up D. put up
  31. As the story ___ , the truth about the strang figure is slowly discovered.
  A. begins B. happens
  C. develops D. ends
  32. Paul broke his leg while riding to school, and ___ , he will have to be away from school for two or three months.   A. as a result B. in fact
  C. at the end D. so that
  33. — Will your daughter go to bed so early?
  — Not until she ___ all her lessons already.
  A. will revise B. revised
  C. is revising D. has revised
  34. — What do you think of store shopping in the future?
  — Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but
  ___ .
  A. would never replace B. will never replace
  C. would never be replaced D. will never be replaced
  35. — Our basketball team will play against theirs this afternoon. I’m
  sure we’ll win.
  — ___
  A. No way! B. Congratulations!
  C. Go ahead! D. Good luck!
  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  I’m just a senior in high school. I work part—time at a local store called Baskin Robbins 36 I can make a little money. In and outside of work, I always wear a 37 and try to be nice to others.
  But lately, I’ve been 38 by some people who always help others. So, today, when I went to work, I decided I would take my first big step and truly help a 39 .
  Two young girls came into the store and looked 40 . I 41 them my usual“Welcome to Baskin Robbins”greeting. A couple of minutes later 42 of them finally decided upon the flavor(味道)of ice cream—chocolate. So then, I made a big spoon, put it in a cone (锥形蛋卷筒)and handed it to her. 43 , though, the other girl didn’t get anything even though I could 44 she was looking at the many kinds of 45 and wanted to have one.
  It was at this time that the other girl, who obviously was the younger sister, 46 ,“I wish I could have one.”I knew when I heard this comment that it was my 47 to do something for her. So, I told her that I would 48 her ice cream. She immediately calmed down 49 she didn’t believe what she heard. I asked her what flavor she wanted and handed her the treat. I then 50 out $3 for it and placed the money in the counter.
  She was so 51 and her elder sister was surprised. It was 52 good to help this girl and make her feel special for a moment. I turned around and found that my workmates all looked at me like I was 53 . But, I didn’t 54 that I spent a little, because the feeling I 55 from my action was worth a million dollars.
  36. A. even though B. as if C. as a result D. so that
  37. A. hat B. dress C. tie D. smile
  38. A. told B. taught C. moved D. changed
  39. A. stranger B. friend C. student D. girl
  40. A. inside B. out C. over D. around   41. A. wished B. offered C. handed D. told
  42. A. both B. one C. none D. either
  43. A. Sadly B. Fortunately C. Similarly D. Clearly
  44. A. remember B. expect C. tell D. decide
  45. A. drinks B. chocolate C. guests D. ice cream
  46. A. cried out B. passed by C. looked up D. laughed aloud
  47. A. duty B. fault C. chance D. dream
  48. A. wait for B. pay for C. leave for D. ask for
  49. A. if B. so C. but D. though
  50. A. took B. sent C. put D. checked
  51. A. interested B. happy C. embarrassed D. astonished
  52. A. truly B. hardly C. nearly D. rarely
  53. A. welcomed B. rare C. crazy D. wrong
  54. A. understand B. care C. realize D. plan
  55. A. known B. learned C. left D. received
  第三部分 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
  What should I eat for breakfast? Who should I go out with on weekends? What should I do if I miss the bus to school? What colleges should I apply for? Again and again Chinese kids ask these questions to their teachers and parents. They can’t make their own choices.
  Kids in America would be very surprised to hear how much Chinese children depend on adults. When they are ten years old, kids decide what clothes they want to wear and buy. By twelve they know what classes to take for middle school. Thirteen years old is the beginning of being what Americans call a “teenager”. Now the child makes almost all his / her decisions—what to do after school; who are his/her friends; sometimes even when to come home at night. Finally at sixteen the kid usually gets a car from his/her parents. Now he or she can come and go when he or she likes. The only rule is when they come home at night.
  Why should kids be independent? Think about it. After high school most of us will be by ourselves. Will our parents be able to tell us what to eat for breakfast in college? Can our teachers decide what we should do at work?
  Making our own choices can be quite hard and scary. But we can start with making small choices, and then slowly make bigger and more important choices. Before we know it we will become independent, confident and able to make our own decisions! And we will have a lot more fun!
  56. The first paragraph tries to tell the readers that ___ .
  A. Chinese kids don’t know what to do in the future
  B. Chinese kids always have many questions
  C. Chinese kids believe in their teachers and parents
  D. Chinese kids depend on adults very much
  57. At what age can an American kid make most decisions by himself or herself?   A. Ten. B. Eleven.
  C. Twelve. D. Thirteen.
  58. Which of the following statements is true?
  A. Generally, American kids are more independent than their Chinese fellows.
  B. It’s easier for Chinese kids to get used to living in their new society.
  C. American parents don’t care for their children.
  D. A seventeen—year—old American kid can do what he likes.
  59. In the author’s eyes, ___ .
  A. dependence on adults is rare in China
  B. independence of adults is worth encouraging
  C. Chinese kids have no ability to make real choices
  D. making decisions is rather easy
  Daily at this we shall speak to you about America and the war. The news may be good or bad. We shall tell you the truth. — The Voice of America, February 24, 1942.
  Those words were from the Voice of America’s first broadcast(广播)during World War II. Today more than 80 million listeners tune in (收听)every day. The broadcast network is the largest in the world and reaches millions of listeners in Africa in English, French, Hausa, Portuguese for Central and South America. The Middle East receives its news in Arabic and Parsi. South Asia picks up signals in Bengali, Hindi, and Urdu. The Russian—language service is on 14 hours a day.
  All of the broadcasts come from the Voice of America headquaters (总部)in Washington D.C.. Visitors can push a red button outside any of the twenty—five glass—walled studios and listen to the broadcast, in Hindi, that Indian people are listening to at the very moment in India.
  In addition to news broadcasts, the Voice of America sends out interviews and a wide variety of programs. For example, special broadcasts in easy English are written for students of English as a foreign language. Among the most popular features of the Voice of America are the musical programs which offer every kind of music from Bach to Rock.
  The Voice of America is the official voice of the United States government, but it present opposing opinions as well. To give an objective analysis(客观分析)of the news, the station gets advice from newspaper, news services, and reporters from all over the world.
  60. The main purpose of this passage is ___ .
  A. to describe the Voice of America in World War II
  B. to give advice on how to tune in the Voice of America
  C. to have a general introduction of the Voice of America
  D. to explain the source of the news in the Voice of America
  61. We can infer from the passage that ___ .   A. only the news the Voice of America broadcast during World War II was real
  B. more than 80 million listeners listen to the Voice of America every day
  C. the Voice of America says that all its news is good news
  D. South Asian people speak Hindi, Urdu and Bengali
  62. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
  A. The Voice of America sends out nothing but news broadcasts.
  B. The Voice of America speaks in all the other languages besides English.
  C. The Voice of America has special broadcasts for students of English.
  D. The musical programs are more popular than the others.
  Bend over, take a deep breath and drink some water for 15 seconds! This is just one of hundreds of tips you might get if you have hiccups(打嗝). Hiccups are so mysterious. We really don’t know why they start and why they stop.
  Everyone has a favorite cure(治愈方法)for a case of the hiccups. Some people think that a good scare is necessary to get well. Others eat a teaspoon of sugar. Still others drink a glass of water with a knife in it. An American man named Jack O’ Leary claimed to have hiccups 160 million times over a period of eight years. He tried 60,000 cures, but none of them worked. Finally he prayed(祈祷)to Saint Jude, the saint of hopeless cases, and his hiccupping stopped immediately.
  It took a British singer eight months to cure his hiccups. People from all over the world wrote him letters with suggestions for getting well. He tried them all, but the hiccups continued. Finally, he drank a “secret”mixture someone had sent him. By that evening his hiccups were gone.
  Why did these cures work for these two men? No one really knows. But people who have studied many cases of hiccups have an idea. Hiccups usually go away if you believe in the cure.
  63. If something is mysterious, it _____
  A. is hard to stop B. is easy to start
  C. is hard to understand D. is hard to say
  64. What can we learn about the American and the British man?
  A. They have suffered from hiccups for eight years.
  B. They drank a secret mixture before their hiccups were gone.
  C. They had their hiccups cured with the help of Saint Jude.
  D. They finally stopped their hiccups in different ways.
  65. What might be the best cure for hiccups?
  A. Special pills.
  B. Cold water.
  C. Whatever you believe will work.
  D. A spoonful of sugar.
  第四部分 写作(共四节,满分55分)   第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  66. The rich man ________(创建)a hospital and a school in the town where he was born.
  67. This was the most difficult ________(时期)of Martin’s life.
  68. This heavy traffic is ________(正常的)for this time of day.
  69. My brother was taught to read by my mother, and ________(同样地), so was I.
  70. I asked him to come with me but he ________(不同意).
  71. I thought I wasn’t l to see you again.
  72. Where does this river have its s ?
  73. Do you r the laws of your country?
  74. The nation’s e is growing rapidly.
  75. As he did not know my address, he had not c me earlier.
  第二节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
  The staff of the Kennedy School Newsletter asked students at our school to take a survey. In the survey, we asked, “What is your dream job?” We asked a total of 400 students at our school. Here are the results of our survey.
  Most of the students at our school wanted to be professional athletes in the future! At our school, 64 people hoped to be sports stars in the future. This included 32 future soccer players, 12 baseball players, 10 basketball players, 7 tennis players, and 3 hockey players.
  Lots of students at our school also wanted to be movie stars or singers. 58 students said they wanted to become singers, and 57 said they wanted to act in movies. We hope your dreams come true! Just remember your friends from school when you become superstars.
  Other popular future careers(职业)included vets(49), computer programmers(40), writers(30), and artists(29). To our surprise, very few students at our school wanted to be doctors(7), lawyers(13), or business people(4). And the teachers at our school may be disappointed to know that only 9 students hoped to teach in the future. Sorry teachers!
  You can see the rest of the results from our survey in the chart(表格). And for those students who did not get to answer our survey, please stop by our office. We want to hear from you, too! We will add your answers to our survey results and publish the final results in the school yearbook.
  Thanks for helping us make this interesting survey so successful!
  76. What question was probably asked in the survey?
  77. What kind of job was the most popular among the students.
  78. What surprised the people giving the survey?
  79. What can be put in the blanks(空白处)of the chart above?   80. What does the underlined part mean in Paragraph 5?
  第三节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  Ladies and gentlemen,
  I’m so exciting and so pleased to win the 81. ____
  prize that I am not sure how to say. I must 82. ____
  of course thank my music teacher giving 83. ____
  me so much encouragements and also my parents 84. ____
  for support me all the time. I can honestly 85. ____
  say that I would have got the prize only by myself. 86. ____
  But since I has won the prize, I shall be able 87. ____
  to go on with more confidence , and I may make 88. ____
  music my career. I would certain like to. 89. ____
  I can’t say something else now. Thank you very much. 90. ____
  第四节 书面表达(满分25分)
  假设你是某健康杂志的医学顾问Dr Helper,一名叫李华的中学生来信说,她所在班级近视的学生超过总数的一半,而且大多数学生的视力越来越差,她感到非常担心。请你针对她所说的情况,结合下面要点,用英语给李华回信,告诉她应该如何保护视力。
  1. 词数:100左右;
  2. 适当增加细节使行文连贯;
  3. 不能逐条翻译。
  参考词汇:视力 eyesight
摘 要:文章通过对合并类高校校园文化教育研究,归纳合并类高校校园文化教育中面临的机遇和挑战,发现其中存在的不足,明确合并类高校校园文化教育研究对象,探讨合并类高校校园文化教育的整合优化方法。  关键词:合并类高校;多校区多层次高校;校园文化  随着我国经济的飞速发展,高等教育事业也发生了深刻的变化,为适应高等教育的发展需求,改变教育模式,提升综合竞争实力,一些学科单一、综合实力较软的高校合并已十分
摘 要:创新发展先进军校校园文化,必须要坚持与时俱进、开拓创新,结合院校文化积淀,建设具有本校特色的校园文化,充分发挥文化育人功能,不断促进军校学员综合素质的全面提升。  关键词:军校;校园文化;人才培养  党的十八大提出"要推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,兴起社会主义文化建设新高潮,提高国家文化软实力,发挥文化引领风尚,教育人民,服务社会,推动发展的作用。"胡锦涛同志对构建当代革命军人核心价值观、
摘要:市场经济条件下,传统的群众文化遇到了冲击和挑战,要促进群众文化工作的开展,就必须采取一定的策略,如拓展群众文化的发展空间,发展通俗文化事业,发展城市广场文化等。  关键词:新形势;群众文化;策略  群众文化,是人民群众自我进行的,以满足精神生活和知识需求为目的,以文艺娱乐为主要内容的自我完善的需求及其表现。在社会生活中,群众文化无时不有,无处不在,是人民群众自我娱乐、自我教育、自我完善、掌握
摘要:分层教学是新时期一种全新的教学方式,它以学生的个体差异为基础,设置不同的层次,使全体学生在原有的基础上有所进步,达到预期的目标。在高职英语课堂中,分层教学起着非常重要的作用,它是提高高职学生英语水平的重要保障,促进高职英语教育的顺利发展。本文与大家一起对 分层教学在高职英语中的应用进行探讨,以便交流学习。  关键词:高职英语;分层教学;原则;应用  中图分类号:G71 文献标识码:A 文章编