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  Task 1
  My name is Jack. Know that the Students’ Union is looking for volunteers, I am writing to make an apply.
  I really want to get this opportunity because, by offering my service, not only I be able to improve my oral English and communication skills, but I can also make more friend. As the outgoing boy, I am warm-hearted and always ready to help with others. I once take part in an activity organized by the local community to offer help to some homeless people. Unluckily, I am fluent in English so I have no difficulty communicate with English speakers. In a word, I believe I am qualified for the position.
  Hopeful you will take my application into consideration. Looking forward to your reply.
  Task 2
  You can not imagine what a dream I had last night. I dreamed that I took part in a race. At first, I could not to run very fast and fell behind. So I didn’t lose heart and kept run. All the students on the playground cheer me on, “Come on!” I was very encouraged that I ran faster and faster till I caught up all the other runners. I felt as if I had been flying like a superman. In an end, I got to the finishing line first. I won the race. I felt very proudly of myself. Many of my classmate threw me up into the air. Just at that time, I woke up and found me still in bed!
  Task 3
  Senior Three student will face the question after they pass by the college entrance examination. “Should I choose a good major and a good university?” Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can learn which they are interested in. It will also make it possible for them take their favorite jobs in the future. However, those who think differently believes that the environment is important to one’s development. They also believe that students graduate from leading universities are often more likely to find good jobs. In my opinion, a best choice is to choose a good major at a good university. But if they can’t obtain both, the first thing to consider was a good major. Because no matter where they study, we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if they try their best.
  Task 4
  When I was a child, I was interesting in everything about the universe. One day I spot a picture of Armstrong, which was the first astronaut to set foot on the moon. Inspired by his story, I made up his mind to become an astronaut but dreamed of going into outer space. After know my dream, my father kept on encouraging me to follow by my heart. Besides, he advised me take exercise for 60 to 90 minute a day to keep fit. With the encouragement and support of my father, I was confidence that my dream would come true.   Task 5
  It was Monday yesterday. My friend Li Hua went to school with his homework unfinishing. He played online games all through the weekend. It was too late when he founded he had homework to do. To avoid punished, he told his teacher that a dog eats his homework. Obviously, it was just an excuse he made to cover the fact which he hadn’t done his homework. The teacher certainly knew about that and made them stay after school. Sometimes we think we can avoid trouble by making excuse when we do something wrongly. Therefore, we are really making problems worse instead of.
  Task 6
  Dear Editor,
  I’m one of the regular reader of your newspaper. I like it very much mainly for the followed reasons. First, it covered both national and international news. By simple turning the pages, I can learn many important things that have been happened during the week. The stories of world-famous people are equally attractive, that help me understood how they overcome difficulties and make achievements. Like a young student, I suggest that your newspaper carry articles to guide us in our English learning. But I hope that it become even more popular.
  Sincerely yours,
  Li Hua
  Task 7
  I couldn’t be happy to hear your intention to come to China for vacation, during which time you will able to have a taste of our unique “Red Culture”.
  Actually, here in my hometown exists some ideal spots that suit your need. The city of Jing Gangshan, situated in the southwest of Jiangxi Province, which is well known to a continuous stream of travelers as its scenic view as well as historical significance. With breathtaking scenery or rich “Red Culture” resources, it is certainly my top choice. You can visit a couple of local museum, which will help you have a good knowledge of the revolutionary history.
  I am sure it will be the wonderful experience and I can’t wait to exploring its charm with you.
  Task 8
  Some young boys and girls had the habit of smoking, though they are middle school student. As we all know, smoking do harm to human beings. More and more people have realized how seriously this problem is. And they are never bored with it. Some people think smoking is a kind of fashion, and other think smoking can refresh themselves. In the fact, smoking causes many illnesses. The most serious illness causing by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile, smoking is a waste money. What’s more, careless smokers may cause danger fires.
  Task 9
  With Mother’s birthday approaching, I decided to give her surprise and celebrate it for her on my own. After finishing my work, I learned what to bake a cake online. I had everything needed after I started the baking process careful as instructed. I preheated the oven and mixed with the milk, eggs, butter or oil into the dry mixture. It take me roughly 30 minutes to bake the cake. It was really a challenging job. And then, I was immediately busy prepared all the dishes. Seeing what she had done, my mother was moved with tear rolling in her eyes.
一块冰冷的铁板,经过郭海博和郭海龙两兄弟一锤一锤地敲打,竟然变成一幅精美的浮雕作品,铁板浮雕的艺术魅力让人惊叹不已。  在河北石家庄,“铁匠兄弟”郭海博和郭海龙最近成了焦点人物,他们用铁板打出来的浮雕作品不仅征服了国外收藏家挑剔的眼光,还以一幅1万美元的高价被对方买走。铁板浮雕究竟为何物?来到位于石家庄燕赵艺术市场的郭氏兄弟雕塑艺术工作室,只见郭海博和郭海龙正一人拿榔头和錾子,一人扶着铁板,伴随着
手艺:针线、绘画  等级:★★★★★  宝姐姐是旧时闺阁女儿范本,手艺女红,自不在话下。  宝钗第七回出场,在周瑞家眼中的是“伏在小炕桌上同丫鬟莺儿正描花样子呢”。重点是第三十六回。 她来怡红院寻宝玉,可宝玉睡着了,袭人坐床边守着,手里绣一个白绫红里的兜肚。宝钗反应是:好鲜亮的活计!袭人绣得脖子酸,出去走走,宝钗只顾看活计,不留心竟然坐在袭人方才坐的地方,拿起针线,接着绣了起来。宝姐姐多端庄的人啊
参观博物馆,尤其容易被古陶瓷打动,从良渚文化扁足陶鼎到唐三彩彩绘陶仕女俑,从宋汝窑天青釉碗到元青花缠枝牡丹云龙纹罐,从明成化斗彩鸡缸杯到清乾隆粉彩镂空瓷瓶,三彩之艳、天青之净、青花之雅、斗彩之逸、粉彩之润……可这些中国历代工匠以毕生心血烧制出来的绝世名瓷,却那么脆弱不堪,几千年来的流离颠沛、磕磕碰碰,要么粉身碎骨,要么残缺不全。  为了还原历史,修复便成为了古陶瓷复原的重头戏。上海博物馆修复中心主
展览时间:4.18~7.28  展览地点:成都浣花南路251号四川博物院  300多件来自卡地亚典藏的古董珍品,以及37份历史文献和早期彩色照片底片,向人们诉说了流传于世的经典奢侈品传奇。作为世界大名鼎鼎的腕表、珠宝翘楚,卡地亚典藏与四川博物院联袂呈献了“艺境天工——中西方珍宝艺术展”,讲述了珍宝背后的动人故事。
回到乡村寻好食材,似乎成为一种时尚的生活方式。5位小伙伴辞去城市的工作回到家乡,创办了“浅山寻”,开始了云贵川的寻山之旅。“我们发现大山里不仅有好食材,村民们制作菜肴的方法也大有不同,但味道却惊人的好。”在互联网行业浸淫多年的小纪,希望将山里隐藏的特色菜肴与配方食材,通过互联网的方式进行销售。  于是“味觉方舟”上线了,浅山寻团队在网络上公布大山深处的制作方法,教大家做这些特殊的美味,还从网友中选
“我们都是木头人,不能说话不能动……”这句小时候玩耍时念叨的童谣,就像是海弟生活的真实写照:把自己当做木头人,痴狂地喜欢着木头,并且长时间宅在工作室里,与木头为伴。  见到海弟时,他刚结束在广州的展览,正在整理展览上收回的作品。跟想象中完全一样,瘦高的个子,低缓的声调,内敛的神情。“像我这样长得瘦,说话又慢半拍的人,在老家被称为柴头,也就是木头人的意思。”海弟自嘲着。  保持与木头对话  海弟与木
在2500年历史的姑苏小巷深处,偶然与停云香馆邂逅。暴雨初停,目光掠过一家手工订制旗袍店,只见一面黑檐白墙上几朵浮云悠悠,仿佛暗香萦绕。  踏着青石板进去,入眼即是满壁的木制格子,左边是手工捏制的陶瓷器皿,右边是远道而来的日本和香,以及年代久远的各种香器与茶具。经过插了几支干枯莲蓬的瓷瓶,但见一方长台上,铺就一条来自苏州老刺绣厂的绸布,上面摆放着香炉、沉香木、蟾蜍雕刻、佛珠手钏和一串形似枇杷的玉器
穿过繁华的闹市,拐进一条深幽的小巷,几经周折,终于找到锡包壶艺人陈宝玉的家。这是一处建于上世纪80年代的老房子,屋里布置得极其简单,除了那间用来制作和展示锡包壶的“工作室”。陈宝玉说,那是家里的“豪华间”,不布置好一点,会亏待了他的宝贝。  父辈的冷门手艺  今年35岁的陈宝玉有两个孩子,每天放学回家,他们把书包一放就跑到父亲的“工作室”里,围着工作台摆弄闲着的工具和那些刻着各种好看图案的锡片。看
小婉的般若堂在北京通惠河南岸的景观商业区——四惠大厦,之所以选在这个商业氛围浓厚的地方,是因为小婉喜欢河,“有水的地方,喝茶时感觉更有灵气。”  大约70平方米的店铺,被素帘隔成一间茶室、一间展厅。踏进店铺,第一眼便看见正前方一排绿意盎然的翠竹,把空间上下相连,给人通透之感。小婉端坐在茶席前,不紧不慢地领着学茶的姑娘观察叶片、品评汤感、分析汤色、记录笔记,投手投足间将中国茶文化极具历史感的美好仪态
和亿万年前的恐龙做朋友,给它写生,为它立传,听上去像天方夜谭,还真的就有人做到了。他并不是真的去了侏罗纪年代,而是通过触摸恐龙化石,熟悉这些“莫名其妙的骨头”,再梳理出恐龙骨架,附上肌肉皮毛,最后配上符合年代特征的植物和山水,“还原”已经消失的恐龙世界。  这个人,叫赵闯,是中国唯一一个从事古生物化石生命形象重建的人,“俗称‘画恐龙’的人。”眼下,他画的恐龙已有几千幅,说他是恐龙的代言人,一点也不