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今年上半年的国民经济发展,总体运行情况良好,有些数据明显好于预期,这些成绩来之不易,应当倍加珍惜和维护。同时,在经济发展趋好面前,也存在一些需要高度关注并着力解决的问题。第一,关于农业稳定发展问题。多年来,我国的粮食产量一直在稳定增加,但不能因此而忽视农业存在的隐患。一是农业生产要素逐步萎缩,耕地日趋减少,农业劳动力大量流失,影响农业发展后劲;二是农业收入增长缓慢,农民增加的收入基本上来自于进城务工的收 In the first half of this year, the overall national economy was in good condition. Some of the data were significantly better than expected. These achievements have not come by hard and should be treasured and maintained. In the meantime, there are also some issues that require a great deal of attention and efforts to solve before the economic development is getting better. First, on the steady development of agriculture. Over the years, China’s grain output has been steadily increasing, but we can not therefore ignore the hidden dangers of agriculture. First, the gradual decline in the elements of agricultural production, decreasing arable land, the loss of a large number of agricultural labor force, affecting the development potential of agriculture; Second, the slow growth of agricultural income, farmers increased income basically comes from the income of migrant workers
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  Clinical Legal Education was originally introduced to Viet Nam in 2007.Since then,with the support from BABSEA CLE,UNDP Vietnam and other partners,
目的 探究阿奇霉素注射液所致不良反应的一般规律和特点,为临床合理用药提供参考.方法 对2014年1月-2019年12月国家药品不良反应监测系统黄山市平台收集的阿奇霉素注射液不良