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肾损伤分为闭合性和开放性两大类、闭合性损伤常见,而开放性损伤发生率低,国内尚无专文报告。本文收集三个一线医院1986年4月~1987年2月救治的肾损伤伤员13例,其中闭合性5例,开放性8例,前者均经保守疗法治愈,而后者伤情复杂,早期诊治中问题较多,就现8例开放性肾损伤作一报道,并加以讨论: 临床资料 本组8例均为20~23岁的男性青年,行尿化验者7例,阴性2例,余5例均有肉眼或镜下血尿。拍腹部平片者6例,2例因重度休克未行此项检查。急诊IVP者4例。腹腔穿刺者2例。单纯性肾损伤2例,余6例均伴有腹腔或他处器官多发性损伤,合并休克者4例。肾皮质多处裂伤3例。肾穿透伤2例(1例肾内弹片存留),粉碎性裂伤3例(1例系肾下极裂伤,1例并肾动脉完全断裂),全组伤员均在2~11小时内行手术处理,肾切除3例,清 Kidney injury is divided into two categories of closure and openness, closed injury is common, and the incidence of open injury is low, there is no specific report. This collection of 13 first-line hospital from April 1986 to February 1987 treatment of renal injury in 13 cases, of which 5 were closed, open in 8 cases, the former were cured by conservative treatment, while the latter injuries complex, early diagnosis and treatment The problem is more, now 8 cases of open renal injury for a report, and to be discussed: Clinical data of this group of 8 patients were 20 to 23 years old male youth, urinalysis in 7 cases, negative in 2 cases, more than 5 cases All have gross or microscopic hematuria. 6 cases of abdominal plain film, 2 cases because of severe shock did not check this. Emergency IVP in 4 cases. Abdominal puncture in 2 cases. Simple renal injury in 2 cases, more than 6 cases were associated with multiple abdominal or other organ damage, combined with shock in 4 cases. 3 cases of multiple renal cortical laceration. 2 cases of renal penetrating injury (1 case of residual renal shrapnel), 3 cases of comminuted laceration (1 case of subrenaline laceration and 1 case of complete rupture of renal artery). All the patients were treated within 2 to 11 hours Surgical treatment, 3 cases of nephrectomy, clear
我院于1984年3月开始应用带蒂大网膜膀胱再生成形术,3例中2例成功,1例失败。例1,女,27岁。1984年元月20日因肾功能不全,结核性挛缩膀胱及右肾积水 In our hospital in Marc
我科自1980年以来采用大剂量地塞米松静滴治疗各类肾炎或肾病。现将例数较多的单纯性肾病25例报道如下: 材料与方法符合全国小儿肾病科研协作组诊断标准的初发或复发的住院
我院泌尿外科自1976年至1986年3月共作18例腹膜外回肠膀胱术,现作临床分析如下。临床资料一、年令与性别:男16例、女2例。年令22~62岁,30~50岁共15例,占 Urology in our hosp
南北朝时,文学批评家钟嵘在《诗品》中讲了这样一个故事:齐、梁时代负有盛名的作家江淹离开宣城太守的职务后,回家途中,夜宿冶亭,梦见一个美男子自称郭璞,对江淹说:“我有一枝五色笔,在你这儿很多年了,现在可以还给我了。”江淹就从怀里拿出五色笔还给了他。从这以后,江淹再作诗撰文,竟写不成句。所以有“一夜之隔,江淹才尽”的说法。  这个故事是荒诞不经的,世界上哪有一个作家因为晚上做了个梦,才思就马上丧失殆尽
自1987年7月我们与上海第九人民医院泌尿科合作,使用上海交通大学研制的JT-ES-WLⅡ型体外震波碎石机治疗肾及输尿管上段结石病人120例,现报道如下。 临床资料 120例病人中男