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教师在教学完一章后,向学生布置适当的作业,是教学过程中必不可少的环节,目的在于巩固所学知识,并将知识转化为技能。文书学是一门应用学科,怎样设计作业题才有助于学生掌握所学知识,并将知识转化为技能呢?应遵循以下原则: 一、应用性。文书学的性质和特点决定了在设计该门学科的作业题时,不能仅仅只是解释几个名词,回答几个问题,而是要将课本理论知识与实践结合起来,将文书学知识运用到实际工作中去。为此,要设计作业题,使学生感受到如同完成实际工作任务一样,如在教完公文文种后,就可以设计这样的作业题:成都市档案局需要制发一份对全市档案馆工作进行上等升级考评验收的文件,应选用什么文种?该市新津县档案局(馆)收到此文件后,对照自查,认为已达到文件规定的要求,用文件形式请求验收,应选用什么文种?市档案局收到新津县档案局(馆)的文件后,发文同意验收,应选用什么文种?验收合格后,市档案局要新津县档案局(馆)写一份汇报材料,应选用什么文种?市档案局收到汇报材料后,认为他们的经验很好,应采用文件形式在全市档案馆中推广,应选用什么文种?该市双流县档案馆拟定派档案干部到新津县档案馆参观学习,参观前采用公文形式进 After teachers have finished teaching a chapter, arranging appropriate homework for students is an indispensable part of the teaching process. The purpose is to consolidate what they have learned and turn knowledge into skills. Clerical studies is an applied subject. How to design homework assignments can help students master what they have learned and how to translate knowledge into skills? The following principles should be followed: 1. Applicability. The nature and characteristics of clerical studies determine that in designing the homework assignments, we can not just explain a few terms and answer a few questions, but combine the knowledge and practice of textbook theory to apply the knowledge of clerical studies to the actual Go to work. To this end, to design homework questions, so that students feel as complete as the actual work tasks, such as teaching in English, you can design such a job title: Chengdu Archives need to issue a copy of the city’s archives work After receiving this document, the city Xinjin County Archives Bureau (control) self-examination, that has reached the requirements of the document requirements, the form of a request for acceptance, should be used What kind of culture? City Archives Xinjin County Archives (Museum) of the documents, the paper agreed acceptance, should choose what kind of language? After acceptance, the Municipal Archives to Xinjin Archives (Museum) to write a report material , Should choose what kind of language? City Archives received the report after the material, that their experience is very good, should be used in the form of files in the city’s promotion of the archives, should choose what kind of language? The city Shuangliu County Archives proposed file cadres To Xinjin County Archives to visit and study before the visit using official documents into the form
地形图应用广泛,又需保密。叙述了地形图分幅与编号的基本原理,阐明了地形图图幅接合方法,提出了对地形图管理的基本方法。 Topographic maps are widely used, but also co
一、普通的档案自 动化系统的构成 一个完善的档案自动化系统,应包括如下5个重要的部分:即中央处理机、外部存贮设备、输入输出设备、系统软件和应用软件、通讯等。 中央
现将中国国民党甘肃省政府民国二十九年(1940)的各县县政府文书管理规则予以公布,供广大文书工作者和档案工作者在研究民国时期文书、档案时参考。 Now the rules of the ad