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目的 探讨人工关节置换术围手术期肌间静脉血栓形成的转归及其影响因素.方法 2015年1至12月在接受人工关节置换术住院期间由下肢深静脉彩色超声多普勒确诊的新鲜比目鱼肌肌间静脉血栓患者47例,男6例,女41例;年龄46~92岁,平均(68.3±7.7)岁.膝关节置换36例,髋关节置换11例.通过彩色超声多普勒观察肌间静脉血栓在术后6周及术后3个月的溶解情况.分析年龄(> 65岁、≤65岁)、体重指数(>25 kg/m2、≤25 kg/m2)、性别(男、女)、手术部位(髋、膝)、血栓长度(>5cm、≤5 cm)、血栓最大直径(>1cm、≤1 cm)、抗凝时间(出院后延长抗凝、未延长抗凝)、血栓形成时间(术前、术后第1~3天、术后第4天至出院)等因素对术后3个月肌间血栓转归的影响.结果 肌间静脉血栓于术前发现9例,术后第1~3天发现27例,术后第4天以后发现11例.术后6周时44例发生溶解,其中完全溶解19例(40.4%,19/47)、部分溶解25例(53.2%,25/47),1例(2.1%,1/47)进展至腘静脉,2例(4.3%)无变化.术后3个月时45例发生溶解,其中完全溶解35例(74.5%,35/47)、部分溶解10例(21.3%,10/47),未见其他部位形成新的血栓,另2例无变化.术后6周和术后3个月血栓完全溶解率比较差异有统计学意义(x2=8.797,P=0.003).血栓最大直径>1cm组与≤1cm组术后3个月血栓完全溶解率的差异有统计学意义(x2=12.231,P=0.000),其他因素不同分组术后血栓完全溶解率的差异无统计学意义.结论 髋、膝关节置换术后绝大部分肌间静脉血栓可随时间推移而逐渐溶解.血栓最大直径对术后3个月肌间静脉血栓的转归有影响,直径>1cm的血栓在术后3个月内很难完全溶解.“,”Objective To observe the outcome of muscular vein thrombosis after joint arthroplasty and to analyze potential factors that could affect the result.Methods From January 2015 to December 2015,a total of 47 fresh muscular vein thrombosis diagnosed by ultrasound were collected during hospitalization.There were 6 male and 41 female with the average age of 68.3±7.7 years old (46-92 years old).Among them,36 patients underwent knee arthroplasty,while 11 accepted hip arthroplasty.Sonography was used to evaluate the resolution of muscular vein thrombosis at the time point of 6 weeks and 3 months postoperatively and the results were compared between the two time points.Multivariable analysis was performed to evaluate the relationship between the resolution of DVT 3 months postoperatively and risk factors including age (> 65/≤65 years old),Body Mass Index (> 25/≤25 kg/m2),gender (male/female),type of surgery (knee/hip),maximum length of thrombosis (> 5/≤5 cm),maximum diameter (> 1/≤1 cm),duration of anticoagulation therapy (extended anticoagulation therapy after discharge/anticoagulation therapy during hospitalization),time of diagnosis with DVT (before surgery/within 3 days postoperatively/postoperative day 4 to hospital discharge).Results Nine cases were diagnosed preoperatively,27 cases were found between postoperative day 1 and 3,and 11 cases were found between day 4 and discharge.At 6 weeks postoperatively,44 cases of muscular vein thrombosis were found resolving with 19 cases (40.4%) thoroughly resolvedand 25 cases (53.2%) partly resolved,only 1 case (2.1%) progressed into the popliteal veins,2 cases (4.3%) had no change on the size.At the follow up of 3 months,45 cases were found resolving with 35 cases (74.5%) through resolved and 10 cases (21.3%) partly resolved,no case progressed into proximal veins,2 cases (4.3%) had no change on the size.There was significant difference in thrombosis recanalization between the two time points (x2=8.797,P=0.003).The maximum diameter of thrombosis showed a significant effect on the lysis on 3 months postoperatively (x2=12.231,P=0.000).There was no significant difference between other potential factors and the outcome at 3 months postoperatively.Conclusion Most of fresh muscular vein thrombosis could realize thrombolysis within 3 months after knee and hip arthroplasty.The diameter of thrombosis has a significant effect on the natural course of muscular vein thrombosis.DVTs with diameter larger than 1 cm are difficult to be resolved thoroughly.
目的探讨关节液16S rRNA实时逆转录PCR技术在假体周围感染中的诊断效率,并比较其与常规培养的敏感性和特异性。方法2013年7月至2015年12月接受人工关节翻修手术的43例患者,术前行关节液穿刺,术中采集5个高度可疑的假体周围组织,将术前关节液、术中假体周围组织分别进行血平板和BacT/Alert FN瓶培养,并采用16S rRNA实时逆转录PCR技术检测关节液中的细菌,分析其对假体周围感染
采用高级氧化技术-紫外/双氧水(UV/H2 O2)和紫外/过硫酸盐(UV/PS)工艺降解磺胺吡啶(SPY)。研究表明,紫外与氧化剂(H2 O2、PS)联用可显著提高去除率,其反应符合拟一级动力学模型。目标污染物
金海5号是山东莱州金海作物研究所最新育成的玉米新组合。近年来,在山东、河北、河南、辽宁、吉林、江苏、四川、甘肃等省的试验示范中,表现突出。 特征特性:夏播生育期105d左右,株高257cm,