政协机关掀起太极拳热 全国政协机关武术协会被中国武术协会授予一级会员授匾仪式举行

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2007年2月7日,全国政协机关武术协会总结会暨成立授匾仪式在北京全国政协举行。全国政协常委、教科文卫体委员会副主任、全国政协原副秘书长、机关武协名誉主席赵喜明、全国机关工会主席、机关武术协会主席赵海滨,全国政协机关工会副主席、机关武术协会副主席张俊平,全国政协机关武术协会秘书长李蓓玲,国家体育总局武术运动管理中心副主任王玉龙,北京武术院院长程春和,国家体育总局武术运动综合发展部陈曦等参加大会和授匾仪式。 On February 7, 2007, the concluding ceremony of the Wushu Association of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the ceremony of establishing a plaque were held in Beijing’s CPPCC National Committee. Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, deputy director of the UNESCO Science and Education Commission, the former deputy secretary general of the CPPCC National Committee, the honorary chairman of the Association of the Association Zhao Ximing, president of the National Association of Trade Unions, Zhao Haibin, chairman of the organization Wushu Association, the vice chairman of the labor union of the CPPCC National Committee, President Zhang Junping, Li Beiling, secretary-general of the National Association of Political Consultative Organizations Wushu Association; Wang Yulong, deputy director of the Wushu Sports Management Center under the General Administration of Sport of China; Cheng Chunhe, the dean of the Beijing Wushu Institute; and Chen Xi, the comprehensive martial arts development department of the State Sports General Administration attended the ceremony and plaque awarding ceremony.
洪泽县位於中国第四大淡水湖──洪泽湖畔,西依洪泽湖,东挽白马湖,是一块“漂”在水上 的“黄金”土地。素有“鱼米之乡”之称。1956年建县,借湖得公。现辖 12个镇、37万人,水陆总面积 1396KM~2。
自17岁开始我只喜欢过一个女孩,这个女孩就是——叶莉——姚明自传《我的世界我的梦》 1980年1980年9月12日,当一个体重达10斤2两的男婴在上海市第六医院呱呱落地时.他的父
太极拳在行拳走架中,变动步型时,脚前掌虚离地面(或擦地)以脚跟为轴向外转动为磨转,脚跟虚离地面(或擦地)以脚前掌为轴向内转动为碾转。这两种转动,若以 Tai Chi in the box
太极拳的“两论”指的是王宗岳著的《太极拳论》和武禹襄著的《太极拳论》(以下简称“王论”“武论”)。太极拳传承久远,不管是从张 The two theories of Taijiquan refer t