
来源 :世界经济与政治 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zengdf
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在汪洋大海般的自然经济格局中推进的中国西部工业化浪潮取得了世所瞩目的成就,但是由于历史发展的曲折性及西部所特有的经济、自然、社会和文化原因,西部工业化进程与西部经济发展、社会进步呈现出显著的不平衡势态,并由此对全面诱发西部农村传统生产方式的革命性变革和整个西部经济社会的现代化产生了深刻的影响。本文拟从西部工业化的历史起点和发展基础分析入手,从经济结构演进的角度围绕西部经济双层二元结构的形成、内涵特性及对西部工业化进程的制约进行初步的分析和探索,以此作为进一步研究西部工业化全面推进的前提。 However, due to the tortuous history and the economic, social, social and cultural reasons peculiar to the western region, the process of industrialization in the west and the development of the western economy Development and social progress showed a significant unbalanced trend and thus had a profound impact on the overall inducement of the revolutionary changes in the traditional mode of production in the western rural areas and the modernization of the entire western economy and society. This article intends to start with the historical starting point and basic development of industrialization in the west and start with the formation and connotation of the dual-layer dual economic structure of the western economy and the preliminary analysis and exploration of the restriction of the process of industrialization in the western region from the perspective of economic structure evolution. Further study the premise of comprehensively promoting the industrialization in western China.
城郊的一个山塘,水面80余亩, 水最深处2.5米,平时钓到的 多是不足30克的小鲫鱼。这样的一 潭野水,在水冷草枯的冬天能钓到 鱼吗?很多钓友都心存疑虑。 其实,冬日的山塘食物匮乏,深
本文论述了文献资源共建共享的发展趋势和重要意义,针对本地区图书馆文献资源建设现状和存在的问题,提出了实现文献资源共建共享应采取的对策。 This paper discusses the d
文化建设在经济建设中的作用。 The Role of Cultural Construction in Economic Construction.
在十二烷基苯酸钠(NaDBS)和正庚烷水溶液中分别加入脂肪醇和NaCl时,研究了体系中的相态结构和相转变的规律。在较高浓度的 NaDBS体系中长链醇(从正戊醇到正辛醇)促使层状液晶相的形成,短链醇如正