The May 4th Movement marks the beginning of the new-democratic revolution in China. This view has become the consensus of the historians in history. Thus, it is a matter of course to regard the Chinese revolution from 1919 to 1927 as the first historical stage of the Chinese new-democratic revolution. Based on Mao’s thesis on the connotation of the new democratic revolution and on the actual situation of the Chinese revolution from 1919 to 1927, the author holds that the Chinese revolution during the May 19 Movement of 1919 up to August 1, 1927, and the Nanchang Uprising was different from that in 1919 The previous old-democratic revolution was different from the new-democratic revolution after 1927, when the revolutionary nature of the period was obviously transitional and relatively independent. Therefore, the author advocates that the Chinese revolution of the eight years from 1919 to 1927 be called the transition period of the Chinese old-democratic revolution to the new-democratic revolution.