宜春市测土配方施肥项目自2005启动到2016年,累计获得中央财政项目资金补贴4 375万元,总增收节支达27亿元以上,在取得巨大社会经济效益的同时,也存在诸多问题,如田间试验不够科学、实验室使用率不足、配方肥推广难等。基于此,深入分析和探讨现状,为进一步做好测土配方施肥技术的推广工作提出的建议。
The project of soil testing and formula fertilization in Yichun started from 2005 to 2016, accumulatively received 43.53 million yuan from the subsidy of the central finance project, and saved more than 2.7 billion yuan of total revenue. While achieving enormous social and economic benefits, many problems existed. Such as field trials are not enough science, laboratory utilization is not enough, such as the promotion of fertilizer difficult. Based on this, in-depth analysis and discussion of the status quo, in order to further improve the soil testing and fertilizer technology popularization recommendations.