【摘 要】
A self-similar mode locked fibre laser is studied based on a numerical model. By introducing a dimensionless factor k to characterize the pulse shape, the self-
【机 构】
Institute of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071
A self-similar mode locked fibre laser is studied based on a numerical model. By introducing a dimensionless factor k to characterize the pulse shape, the self-similar pulse evolution, formation and the temporal and spectral shape changes due to the elements in the cavity are investigated throughout the iaser cavity. The results show that in the self-similar mode locked fibre laser, self-similar pulse is first formed in the single-mode fibre, which is then amplified in the gain fibre. Gain bandwidth has a small influence on pulse shape, so high energy self-similar pulse can be obtained after amplification. Because net cavity dispersion directly influences the pulse width as well as peak power after compression by a pair of gratings, which can determine the pulse self-similar evolution, it is very important to control the net cavity dispersion to a certain range to obtain self-similar pulses.
元旦快到了,校园里又开始流行贺年片,大家在传递彼此间的新年祝福。在期终考试的前两天,上午最后一节课下课后,韩老师刚走出教室,班上一名叫马丽的同学悄悄地跟在她的后面,然后羞涩地递给韩老师一张漂亮的贺卡,贺卡上写着:“老师,祝您身体健康,工作顺利!”韩老师高兴地向她道了谢,然后回到办公室,把贺卡放在桌上,就到食堂吃饭去了。 就在韩老师吃完饭,回到办公室正要批改作业时,突然发现桌上的贺卡不见了。韩老师
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