当北国的山川还在冰雪的覆盖下安然冬眠时,我们来到了绿意盎然的海南五指山。温暖湿润的气候使这里成为蕨类植物的乐园,一些美丽的蕨类更是给我们留下了深刻的印象。山脚下的乌毛蕨(Blechnum orientale)很多,它是我国仅有的乌毛蕨属(Blechnum)植物。植株极为舒展,嫩叶红色拳卷,像美丽的少女在众人面前犹抱琵琶半遮面,而脸已羞红,惹人怜爱。乌毛蕨是理想的大型盆栽植物,是构成蕨类展览温室的主要景观植物,在温暖地区可作地被植物和花境。其根状茎可作贯众使用,具有清热解毒、活血化瘀的独特功效,亦为我国亚热带地区的酸性土指示植物。
When the north of the mountains are still covered in snow and ice Enron hibernation, we came to the green Wuzhishan of Hainan. The warm and humid climate makes it a paradise for ferns, and some beautiful ferns left a deep impression on us. There are many blechnum orientales at the foot of the mountain, which is the only Blechnum plant in our country. The plant is extremely stretchy, young leaves red volume, like a beautiful girl in front of people still half-covered, and the face has been blushing, lovable. Umbilicaria is an ideal large-scale potted plant that is the main landscape plant that forms the greenhouse for fern exhibitions and can be used for plants and flowers in warm areas. Its rhizome can be used as Guanzhong, with the unique functions of clearing away heat and toxic materials and promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It is also the indicator plant of acid soil in subtropical regions of China.