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作者简介一九六七年生于陕西泾阳,父亲是一位教师,在其父影响下,自幼酷爱绘画,五岁起就执迷于临摹各种书册中的花鸟鱼虫。小学时其过人的绘画天赋深受美术老师的喜爱,在家父及老师的指导下,遍临齐白石、王雪涛、刘继卣、张书祺等大师的作品。近年来又大量临摹了方楚雄教授及米春茂先生的作品并又得到汪国新老师的亲切教诲与指导,绘画技艺日趋成熟。 About the author Born in 1967 in Jingyang, Shaanxi Province, his father was a teacher. Under his father’s influence, he loved drawing since childhood. He was obsessed with copying flowers, birds and insects in various books since the age of five. His outstanding painting talent in elementary school was very much loved by art teachers. Under the guidance of his father and his teacher, there came the works of masters such as Qi Baishi, Wang Xuetao, Liu Jiyu and Zhang Shuqi. In recent years, a large number of copies of Professor Fang Chuxiong and Mr. Mi Chunmao’s work and received the kindness of Professor Wang Guoxin teachings and guidance, painting skills are maturing.
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