Application of Correlated Double Sampling in Space TDICCD Camera

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foreverfreedom5
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As a sampling technique for CCD output video signal, the correlated double sampling(CDS) technique is described as well as the filtering effects of the CDS technique on the output noise of CCD including the reset noise of CCD, the white noise of output amplifier and 1/f noise. From real application of CDS device——TH7982A, it is concluded that the output signal-to-noise ratio of 50dB for CCD signal can be obtained. As a sampling technique for CCD output video signal, the correlated double sampling (CDS) technique is described as well as the filtering effect of the CDS technique on the output noise of CCD including the reset noise of CCD, the white noise of the output amplifier and 1 / f noise. From real application of CDS device - TH7982A, it is concluded that the output signal-to-noise ratio of 50dB for CCD signal can be obtained.
一、发生为害情况 谷子是高产作物,抗旱能力较强,营养丰富。近年来种植面积不断扩大,随之谷子线虫病的发生也日趋严重。线虫病从70年代中期在京、津、冀等地区就有零星发生,
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