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21分新赛制的实施引起羽毛球历史上一次翻天覆地的巨变。因此新赛制实行以后,有必要对羽毛球比赛中采用的技术动作进行分析,并与旧赛制下运用的技术进行对比,发现其中的变化和不同。对女子单打技术的分析和研究将有助于我们更深刻地认识21分制,在日后的比赛中更有针对性、更有效地选择正确地全场战术提供理论依据。 21 points The implementation of the new competition system caused a drastic change in the history of badminton. Therefore, after the implementation of the new competition system, it is necessary to analyze the technical actions adopted in the badminton competition and to compare with the techniques used in the old competition system and find out the changes and differences therein. The analysis and study of the women’s singles skills will help us understand the 21-point system more deeply and provide theoretical basis for more targeted and effective selection of correct tactics in the future.
浅米色的阳光暖融融地斜打在脸上,扑面而来的空气中也掺杂了一缕欢悦。我哼着歌,沿着一堵墙开始了惬意的午后散步。  右手边是并不喧闹的街道,樟树叶仿佛微醉般慵懒地摇曳。左手边就是这堵比人略高的围墙,笔直笔直,在遥远的街道尽头拐向左侧。我聆听着围墙那边因微渺而显得遥远的虫鸣,思绪不禁纷飞:墙的另一边似乎有块很空旷的土地,不知是番什么样的景象呢?  墙用色彩鲜明的砖块堆砌而成,虽然有少许磨损,却朴实而不乏
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