
来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l342016022
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研究了轧制温度、变形量以及热处理工艺对Ti-1300合金显微组织的影响,并讨论了热加工工艺与合金组织结构以及形貌之间的联系规律。结果表明:两相区轧制后的加工态Ti-1300合金主要由等轴的β相和球状α相组成,随轧制温度向合金相变点温度的升高,α相逐渐溶解在β基体上,因而β单相区轧制的合金主要由等轴的β相晶粒组成,而合金的晶粒随变形量的增加而破碎越充分,组织也更加细小、均匀。两相区固溶处理后的Ti-1300合金在晶界和晶间析出球状以及条状α相,弥散分布于亚稳定β基体,产生细晶强化效应,而β单相区固溶处理后的合金主要由平均晶粒尺寸为60μm的等轴β相组成。两相区固溶处理后的时效态Ti-1300合金的组织主要由条状初生αp相、针状次生αs相以及β基体组成,热轧温度和变形量对时效态Ti-1300合金中αp相的形貌特征影响较小,但αp相和αs相都随时效温度的升高而不同程度的长大,针状次生αs相弥散分布在β基体上。 The effects of rolling temperature, deformation and heat treatment on the microstructure of Ti-1300 alloy were investigated. The relationship between the hot working process and microstructure and morphology of the alloy was also discussed. The results show that the as-machined Ti-1300 alloy in the two-phase region is mainly composed of equiaxed β phase and spherical α phase. With the increase of the temperature from the transformation temperature to the alloy transformation point, the α phase gradually dissolves in the β matrix Therefore, the alloy rolling in the single-phase zone of β is mainly composed of equiaxed β-phase grains, and the grains of alloy are crushed more with the increase of the deformation amount, and the microstructure is more fine and uniform. The Ti-1300 alloy solution treated in the two-phase zone precipitates spherical and strip α phases in the grain boundaries and grains, and disperses in the metastable β matrix, resulting in fine grain strengthening effect. However, The alloy consists mainly of an equiaxial β phase with an average grain size of 60 μm. The microstructures of Ti-1300 alloy after aging treatment in the two-phase zone are mainly composed of strip primary αp phase, acicular secondary αs phase and β matrix. The hot rolling temperature and deformation amount affect the αp However, the morphology of αp phase and αs phase increased with aging temperature and grew to some extent. The secondary αs phase was dispersed in β matrix.
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