
来源 :新高考(高三理化生) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmxxg
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选择题的题型不同,难易程度不同,题干与选项间的关系也不尽相同,因而解题的方法也多种多样。下面介绍一下解答选择题的一些基本方法,期望能帮助考生决胜2013年高考。一、技巧1——逐项排除法在读懂题意的基础上,根据题干所提供的条件和给出的选项,先将有明显错误或不合理的选项逐一排除,再将比较有把握的否定选项加以排除,最后只剩下正确答案。如果题目中要求选出错误的选项,则需将正确的选项逐一排除。此方法常用于解答不易直接得出答案的概念和原理类选择题,也常用于解答综合比较型选择题。 Multiple choice questions, different levels of difficulty, the relationship between the title and the options are not the same, so the problem-solving methods are varied. Here are some answers to multiple-choice questions, hoping to help candidates win the 2013 college entrance examination. I. Skills 1 - item-by-item exclusion Act on the basis of reading the questions, according to the conditions provided by the title and the options given, first obvious errors or unreasonable option one by one excluded, and then more sure Negative option to be excluded, leaving only the correct answer. If you ask for the wrong option in the question, you need to exclude the correct options one by one. This method is often used to answer difficult-to-answer concepts and principles of choice, but also commonly used to answer multiple-choice multiple choice questions.
In this paper, the morphological filter based on parametric edge detection is presented and applied to imaging ladar image with speckle noise. This algorithm a
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主要介绍太阳光球表面的小尺度磁场??网络磁场和网络内磁场的相互作用.利用美国大熊湖天文台和北京天文台的高分辨率磁图和H(单色像, 发现太阳表面上的小尺度动力学活动现象都是由网络和网络内磁场的相互作用触发的. 相互作用所产生的能量足以加热日冕.