门外的野蛮人带来了“温柔一刀”。正当国内滴滴和快的大肆烧钱争得头破血流之际,来自大洋彼岸的U b e r已悄无声息地杀将过来,一边是飞快上涨的司机与乘客数量,另一边是各地的严厉查封和的哥的示威抗议。同时,各种奇葩有趣的创意营销也为它赚足了眼球。面对滴滴、快的两家国产打车巨头的合并,U b e r丝毫不露怯色,平民的价格、专车的享受,让那些为一款没有一辆车就影响了整个出租行业的的打
Barbarians outside the door brought “gentle knife ”. At a time when the domestic drops and the fast burning money are going to be badly debunked, U ber from across the ocean has quietly killed over and over again on the one hand, the number of drivers and passengers who have skyrocketed; on the other hand, harsh localities Seizure and brother’s protest. At the same time, all kinds of wonderful and interesting creative marketing also pocketed for it. In the face of the merger of two fast domestic taxi giants, Ubèr did not shy, the price of civilians, the enjoyment of the car, so that those who do not have a car on the entire rental industry hit