
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoxuemei123
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  Transforming our world1!
  After almost three years of the intergovernmental process which started from the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Rio + 20) in 2012, followed by the Open Working Group (OWG) on sustainable development goals, the United Nations has agreed to adopt a new Agenda entitled Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The first Rio conference, the “Earth Summit” gave us Agenda 21. The new agenda also builds on Agenda 21 as well as the Millennium development Goals, or MDGs.
  This new agenda will lay precedence for future generations to come and thus reflects all three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental development. The new agenda has been developed in such a way where each goal is interdependent. No longer can we afford to see sustainable development as isolated elements. By ensuring all goals are mutually dependent this will create a self-supporting network addressing the concerns of the MDGs.
  The Declaration is the first component of four for the new Agenda. The other components are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Means of Implementation and Global Partnership and the Follow-up Review. The Sustainable Development Goals comprise of 17 goals and 169 targets developed during the intergovernmental process.
  This overarching theme of eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions is also in the declaration which includes other components such as the vision, shared principles and commitments, the situation of our world today, the new agenda, the means to achieve the agenda, follow-up and review and a call for action.
  Some key highlights of the new Agenda include an unprecedented ambition dedicated to providing every person on the planet with nutritious food, water, sustainable energy, health care, housing, decent jobs and education. It is people orientated and seeks to safeguard their rights, freedoms and access to information, sustain oceans, forests, agriculture, land ecosystems, and the earth’s climate. It places emphasis on industrialization, building resilient infrastructure, and an inclusive and sustained economic growth.   《宣言》是该议程四个组成部分中的第一个。其他组成部分是“可持续发展目标”、《执行办法和全球伙伴关系》,以及《跟进与回顾》。“可持续发展目标”由17个目标和169个服务对象组成,这是在政府间运作的过程中讨论形成的。
  In Transition: MDGs to SDGs
  The word has a sense of movement, a steady, pulsating, almost physical reality. As we gear up to move away from Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the truth of transition seems to come alive. Like with any change baggage is lost in light of new prospects, the SDGs aim to do just this, if only, in a more wide-ranging manner. While the MDGs focused on developing nations, the SDGs will have a global relevance and reach. Alongside the continuing development priorities set out there are a wide range of economic, social and environmental objectives. At the heart of all of this youth have been given an important role.
  Youth and SDGs
  Speaking strictly of the representation of young people and their concerns in the SDGs, it can be safely said that the ideas around youth development have been folded into a more generic blend with no specific goal or sub-section focusing entirely on the age group.
  Youth is an age somewhere between childhood and middle age, an ongoing transition where a person assimilates the truth of his/her sexual, legal, social, cultural and economic realities. Who is a young person in terms of age? Who are these people we speak about and where are we going with the youth strategies, goals and policies when there is no real universal definition of this age group. There is a vast gap in the classification of youth amongst a range of UN agencies, inter-governmental organisations, governments and youth organisations. We live in a world where the dynamic realities of young people are dealt with in a perplex if not chaotic style. Youth participation and representation is a different story with most campaigns focusing largely on online medium almost blind to the needs of young people who do not have the luxury of internet let alone those who can’t read/write. This issue of literacy is addressed in goal 4 to help promote lifelong learning opportunities; specifically to increase relevant vocational and technical skills among youth and adults.   严格的说,青年人以及他们的困惑在“可持续发展目标”中的体现,并不是以任何具体的目标,其中也没有关注这个年龄群体的章节——而是以更宽泛的方式将青年的发展融入其整体理念。
  Social media, for the few?
  In a world shrouded in discrimination of girls and women, poverty, early marriages, female genital mutilation, drug abuse, governance issues, to list a few; every day brings new challenges and innovative solutions at the community level with most of these solutions youth driven. Which makes me think if our global youth dialogue really includes voices from varied sections of young population? I can’t say no, but neither can I wholeheartedly say yes. There is of course some representation but are we doing enough to include the offline young people in a global platform? Are standalone online campaigns/networks really reaching these young people with all those webinars, twitter handles, Facebook pages and online marches? Aren’t we leaving out a considerable population of young people from voicing their opinion?
  The Internet is an incredible tool to reach out, but only gives access to a select audience globally. Online application forms, long nomination letters, the need for multimedia presentations can actually give skewed results and leave out the real heroes on the ground for national, regional and global meets, awards, networks and more.
  The Internet alone is far from enough and online youth dialogue is only half complete. We must strive to create a combination of tools when communicating with young people. Develop innovative platforms for youth and truly make it a consultative process. Mobile, internet and other technological innovations can definitely be used to strengthen real life platforms but the internet itself must be harnessed in a way which doesn’t limit these practices.
  互联网是与外界沟通的绝佳工具,但在全球,它只有那些“被选定”的观众。在线申请表、长长的提名信,以及对多媒体展示的需求确实可能产生被曲解的结果,而使 那些真正的英雄无缘国家级、地区级和全球级别的会议、奖项、网络和其他所有。   仅有互联网是远远不够的,在线青年对话只完成了一半。在与年轻人的沟通中,我们必须找到一种将各种工具结合的方式。我们应该开发一个针对青年人的平台,而且要使它真正成为一个协商的过程。手机、网络和其他科技创新的确可以强化日常生活中的平台,但互联网的使用必须加以管控,避免其干扰这些技术的实际应用。
  As I sit reading through the SDGs I call on words like skill building, participation and representation, livelihood solutions. These encompass and reveal a need for investment in inclusive youth representation, replication of models that have worked at the community level and beyond, a need for meaningful youth work and professionalization of Youth Workers, accelerating entrepreneurship, better financial access, sexuality education, and gender equality.
  The SDGs do not focus sufficiently on the issues surrounding youth today or cover them under specific headings. At the moment the document represents young people’s concerns in a rather fragmented manner. There is no mention of investment in health care for young people which is critical given the multiple physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health differences in this period.
  The SDGs do not look at youth employment, entrepreneurship and livelihood solutions with the intensity they ought to. Their focus on youth representation and participation is represented under a more generic approach. Half the world's population is under age 25, and these young people will be key to driving sustainable economic development and growth.
  The SDGs provide a lot of grey area for investment in the concerns of young people and a stronger youth voice. I look at youth issues with cross-cutting focus and no transition appears bright enough without sufficient spotlight on young people and their concerns.
  All is not lost in transition
  Proposed Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 is to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.” For those who are familiar with the existing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), this language may sound familiar. Under Goal 1 of the MDGs, the second target is, “achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.”   现在提出的“可持续发展目标”中的第八条是“推动贯彻的、包容的、可持续的经济增长,为所有人提供完全的、高产的就业和体面的工作。”对于那些熟悉现存的“千年发展目标”的人来说,这句话听起来可能十分耳熟。“千年发展目标”的第二个目标指出,“实现所有人的完全、高产的就业,为所有人提供体面的工作。”
  So what is really new with the SDGs in
  the world of economic growth?
  The alteration made to the wording from the MDG target to SDG Goal 8 sends an important message: a message of sustainability; a concept since its formulation World Commission on Sustainable development in the last quarter of the 20th century, has promoted the idea that solving the world’s most challenging development issues takes an evolving combination of economic, social, and environmental considerations. Unbridled economic growth is not enough on its own, and coordination with the other pillars of sustainable development, the economic and social ones at scale is needed.
  These concepts are included in the SDG 8 as a positive sign for the inclusion and role of young people. In search of evidence to support the new sustainable approach to economic development, one can note that the inclusion of youth as a means to the overall achievement of the goal is evident. There is a commitment to providing youth with a nurturing environment for the full realization of their rights and capabilities.
  For example, Sub Goal 8.5 states, “By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.”
  Sub Goal 8.6 reads, “By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training.”
  Goal 8.b says, “By 2020, develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and implement the Global Jobs Pact of the International Labour Organization.”
  It has been pointed out time and again that sustainability in economic, environmental and social development can be achieved only with an increase in the influence of youth. More than 3 billion people — nearly half of the world’s population — are under the age of 25, and almost 90% of young people live in developing countries.   This segment of population is the core segment that can be instrumental for promoting sustainable development, for a simple reason that employment creation and economic prosperity, peace and good governance are closely linked to the present and future lives of young women and men. The state of youth in society is the litmus test for the overall wellbeing of its population.
  The lofty international goals need to be grounded into something that works in young people’s everyday life. Empowerment of youth is to help develop skills, knowledge, and networks. In other words, capitalizing on and leveraging young people’s drive and motivation are essential to ensuring their participation in and the sustainability of economic development. Of course SDG 8 is broad and covers much more than the role of sustainability and youth in economic growth. The goals come together to form an inclusive perspective and a lot depends on how specific goals translate into strategies and finally implemented.
  Since the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, the reach of sustainable development governance has expanded considerably at local, national, regional and international levels.
  The need for the integration of economic development, natural resources management and protection and social equity and inclusion was introduced for the first time by the 1987 Brundtland Report (Our Common Future), and it has become central in framing the discussions at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) also known as the Earth Summit. In 1993 the General Assembly established the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), as the UN high level political body entrusted with the monitoring and promotion of the implementation of the Rio outcomes, including Agenda 21.
  The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development advance the mainstreaming of the three dimensions of sustainable development in development policies at all levels through the adoption of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI).   A process was created for discussing issues pertaining to the sustainable development of small island developing States resulting in two important action plans - Barbados Plan of Action and Mauritius Strategy. A planned Conference in 2014 will take these processes forward.
  In 2012 at the Rio+20 Conference, the international community decided to establish a High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development to subsequently replace the Commission on Sustainable Development. The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development held its first meeting on 24 September 2013.
  The 193 Member States of the United Nations reached agreement in August 2015 on the outcome document “Transforming our World” that will constitute the new sustainable development agenda that will be adopted this September by world leaders at the Sustainable Development Summit in New York.
  Concluding a negotiating process that has spanned more than two years and has featured the unprecedented participation of civil society, countries agreed to an ambitious agenda that features 17 new sustainable development goals that aim to end poverty, promote prosperity and people’s well-being while protecting the environment by 2030.
  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the agreement, saying it “encompasses a universal, transformative and integrated agenda that heralds an historic turning point for our world.”
  “This is the People’s Agenda, a plan of action for ending poverty in all its dimensions, irreversibly, everywhere, and leaving no one behind. It seeks to ensure peace and prosperity, and forge partnerships with people and planet at the core. The integrated, interlinked and indivisible 17 Sustainable Development Goals are the people’s goals and demonstrate the scale, universality and ambition of this new Agenda.”
  Mr. Ban said the September Summit, where the new agenda will be adopted, “will chart a new era of Sustainable Development in which poverty will be eradicated, prosperity shared and the core drivers of climate change tackled.”   More than 150 world leaders are expected to attend the Sustainable Development Summit at the UN headquarters in New York between 25 to 27 September to formally adopt the outcome document of the new sustainable agenda.
  The above piece has been contributed by Ms.Puja Bajad with inputs from Anantha Krishnan and Alex Apps.
  Ms. Puja Bajad is a communications professional with specific focus on young people. She has over seven years experience working for youth development, communications and media management across eight Commonwealth countries in Asia. Through the years she has assisted national award winning rural artisans with innovative communications tools, worked with street children for self-expression, developed livelihoods solutions for young women and facilitated a rights-based youth club.
  In her most recent project, she is working on participatory communications methodologies for young people in flood affected, lower Himalayan belt in India.
  上文作者是Puja Bajad女士,Anantha Krishnan和Alex Apps对文章内容有所贡献。
  Puja Bajad女士是一位传播学专家,尤其关注青年问题。她有超过7年青年发展工作经历,在亚洲8个联邦制国家从事过传播和媒体管理工作。在这些年的工作中,她使用创新传播工具帮助过荣获国家级奖的工匠,帮助流落街头的儿童学会自我表达,为青年妇女的生计提出过解决方案,并协助过一家青年维权俱乐部的工作。
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