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1995年修改后的地方组织法,在设置乡镇人大主席、副主席,明确其职责等许多方面作了进一步的规范,给乡镇人大带来了勃勃生机。随着基层民主政治建设深入发展,乡镇人民代表大会制度日臻完善,对地方组织法的适用提出了更高要求。有几个问题,地方组织法只对县级以上人民代表大会作了明确规定,而对乡镇人民代表大会则没有规定或者规定得不明确,执行中不好操作,对此,很有必要进行研究和探讨。一、关于举行预备会议问题乡镇人民代表大会每次会议是否举行预备会议,这是目前没有引起理论研究重视而在实践中又不能回避的一个问题。地方组织法第13条规定:“县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会每次会议举行预备会议,选举本次会议的主席团和秘书长,通过本次会议的议程和其他准备事项的决定。”这里对县级以上规定得非常具体明确。然而,县级以下是否举行预备会议?地方组织法没有规定。地方组织法第15条:“乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会举行会议的时候,选举主席团。由主席团主持会议,并负责召集下一次的本级人民代表大会会议。”这里虽然规定了要选举主席团,但究竟是在预备会议还是在正式会议上选举主席团?规定得不具体。 The revised Local Organization Law in 1995 further regulated the establishment of the chairman and vice chairman of the township people’s congress and clearly defined their responsibilities and brought vitality to the township people’s congress. With the deepening development of grassroots democracy construction, the system of township people’s congresses has been perfected and put forward higher requirements on the application of local organizations law. There are several problems. It is necessary for the local organizations laws to clearly stipulate only the people’s congress at or above the county level, but not to stipulate the provisions of the township people’s congresses or to make it unclear in the course of implementation. And explore. First, on the issue of preparatory meetings Each meeting of township people’s congresses held a preparatory meeting, which is currently not caused by theoretical research and in practice can not be avoided. Article 13 of the Local Organizations Law stipulates: “Preparatory meetings shall be held for each meeting of the local people’s congresses at or above the county level to elect the presidium and the secretary-general of this meeting and adopt the agenda of this meeting and other decisions for the preparations. ”Here the provisions of the county level is very specific and clear. However, are there any preparatory meetings below the county level? Article 15 of Local Law of Organization: “When the people’s congress of a township, ethnic township or town meets, the presidium shall be elected. The presidium shall preside over the meeting and be responsible for convening the next session of the people’s congress at its own level.” Although stipulated here It is time to elect a bureau, but whether the presidium should be elected in a preparatory meeting or in a formal meeting?
蒋学模编著《人类社会发展史话》最近已由中国青年出版社重版.此书一九五一年初版后多次修订再版,这次重版,作者对帝国主义和 Jiang Xue-mo’s “History of Human Social
我们以为在爱孩子,供他们好吃好喝读好学校,却没有意识到,在日常教育中,一直存在着的致命伤害。 We think that in the love of children, for them to eat and drink delic