蒙特利尔,位于加拿大魁北克省南部,是加国最大的港口和工业、金融、文化中心。 1535年,在葡萄牙人登上澳门的十几年前,法国航海家雅克·卡蒂埃就驾船来到加拿大,登上圣劳伦斯河及其支流环抱的一个岛屿,并为这个岛屿命名为蒙特利尔(法语意为“皇家山”)。100多年后,另一名法国人底梅松纳夫来到蒙特利尔建城,开始了殖民统治。从此,法国移民陆续在此定居,到十八九世纪,蒙特利尔发展成加拿大主要工业中心,虽然在18世纪的英法战
Located in the south of Quebec, Canada, Montreal is Canada’s largest port and industrial, financial and cultural center. More than a dozen years before the Portuguese embarked on Macao in 1535, the French navigator Jacques Cartier came to Canada by boat to board an island surrounded by the St. Lawrence River and its tributaries and named the island Montreal (French means “Royal Hill”). More than 100 years later, another Frenchman, Mesomesnav, came to Montreal to set up the city and began colonial rule. Since then, French settlers have settled here, to the eighteenth century, Montreal developed into a major Canadian industrial center, although in the 18th century British and French war