位于204国道一侧的江苏省汽车运输公司东台客运站新东站站口,有一杆电话线杆,正好处在客车进出站的拐角处,凡进出该站大门的客车都要别扭地大拐弯90°避让。不然,就可能与204国道南来北往车辆发生碰撞,或者,撞着这根电话线杆。对此,不仅驾驶员担心,也让乘客受怕。 对这样一根令
On the side of National Highway 204, there is a telephone pole at the Xintong Station of Dongtai Bus Terminal of Jiangsu Province, an automobile transport company, right at the corner of the bus entering and exiting the station. All buses entering and leaving the station’s gate must be awfully bent 90 avoid. Otherwise, you may collide with a vehicle traveling north and south of State Road 204, or hit the telephone pole. In this regard, not only the driver worried, but also for the passengers scared. To such a order