
来源 :国外医学(物理医学与康复学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ail2515857
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近年来随着蒸汽浴在一般家庭中的普及,使用蒸汽浴的人数正在增加。为探讨蒸汽浴对呼吸循环系统的影响及对心脏病患者的安全性问题,作者对13名缺血性心脏病患者(年龄48~68岁)和8名正常人(年龄34~56岁)进行30分钟温度较低(60℃)的热气浴,使用的是轴射波长5.8~1000μ远红外线的陶瓷,穿透皮肤的温热效果好。试验结果表明,缺血性心脏病患者(IHD)组都没有出现胸痛等自觉症状.心电图也没有明显变化,入浴安全。心率平均上升到81.5次/分.最高也只有96次/分,与对照组没有明显差异。收缩期、舒张期血压有所降低,两组也无差别。心率与收缩期血压乘积(Double Product)和耗氧量的增加 With the popularity of steam baths in the general home in recent years, the number of people using steam baths is on the increase. To investigate the effects of steam baths on the respiratory system and the safety of patients with heart disease, the authors evaluated 13 ischemic heart disease patients (aged 48-68 years) and eight normal people (aged 34-56 years) 30 minutes lower temperature (60 ℃) hot air bath, the use of axis emission wavelength 5.8 ~ 1000μ far infrared ceramic, the skin through the warm effect. The test results showed that patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) group did not show any symptoms such as chest pain, ECG did not change significantly, bathing safety. Heart rate rose to an average of 81.5 beats / min, the highest only 96 beats / min, no significant difference with the control group. Systolic, diastolic blood pressure decreased, no difference between the two groups. Heart rate and systolic blood pressure product (Double Product) and increased oxygen consumption
Al matrix composites with a high volume fraction of reinforcements were fabricated with a compact of Al-Ti-B4C powder mixtures by quick spontaneous infiltration
例1,男,42岁。纳差乏力,右上腹不适伴黄疸1月拟“淤胆型肝炎”治疗。入院时发现有心房纤颤(AF)并经ECG 证实,查总胆红质(SB)8.6mg%。SCPT186u。治疗3周后黄痘始消退,第四周A
例1:患者,男,7个月,因发热20天,双眼球外凸,呕吐10天于1981年3月31日住常熟市第一人民 Example 1: Patient, male, 7 months, due to fever for 20 days, both eyes bulge,