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一、梨小食心虫的生活史梨小食心虫在我場一年发生四代纳钍?据历年观察,在桃园里每年4月上旬越冬的老熟幼虫化蛹,中旬出現第一代成虫,并产卵于桃芽及嫩枝上;同时在梨树上羽化的第一代成虫也飞迁至桃树上产卵。卵期七天,便孵化成幼虫,鑽入桃树新梢为害,5月上旬幼虫老熟后跌落树下,进入表土縫內化蛹,蛹期六至八天,于5月中旬羽化成第二代成虫。第二代成虫仍在桃树上产卵,孵化后幼虫繼續为害桃树的嫩芽、新梢或果实,6月間幼虫老熟后,复又入土化蛹。第三代成虫于7月上、中旬交尾后紛紛向梨园內飞迁,在梨叶及果实上产卵;但还有一部份第三代成虫在桃树上产卵,孵化为幼虫,继续为害桃树,并于7月底至8月初老熟入土化蛹。8月中旬羽化成第四代成虫,再紛紛迁往梨园內在梨果上产卵;还有一部份第四代成虫仍在桃果上产卵,孵化的幼虫于8月底至9月老熟,鑽入桃树皮的裂縫內过冬。 First, the history of Pear Mung Beetle Pear Moth beetle occurs in my field four generations a year  satisfied  thorium? According to the calendar year observation, in early April each year in Taoyuan mature winter larvae pupae, mid-generation first generation adults , And spawning on peach buds and shoots; the first generation of adults eclosion on the pear tree also fly to the peach tree spawning. Egg period of seven days, they hatch into larvae, peeled into the peach shoots, in early May larvae mature after falling trees, into the topsoil pupation, pupa six to eight days, in mid-May emergence of the second Generation of worms. The second generation of adults are still spawning peaches, larvae hatch after the pests continue to damage the shoots, shoots or fruits, larvae in June after aging, complex and again into the pupation. The third generation of adults in July, the middle of the mating after the flyover to the pear garden, pears and fruits in the spawning; but there is also a third generation of adult pests in the peach spawning, larvae hatch, continue to harm Peach trees, and in late July to early August mature soil pupation. In mid-August, the 4th generation adults became eclosion, and then they were moved to pear orchards to lay their eggs. Some fourth-generation adults were still laying peaches on peach fruits. The hatching larvae became mature from the end of August to September. Peach bark into the cracks in the winter.
梨小食心虫(Grapholitha molesta Busck)是我省苹果生产上的主要害虫。在盆地内及川东南、川西北苹、梨主产区均有不同程度发生,尤以蓬溪、南川、金堂等地为害严重。蓬溪县
我区水稻随着双三熟面积的扩大,稻蓟马的为害日益加重,已成为水稻主要害虫之一。我所于1973年开始进行研究,兹将三年来所获主要结果介绍如下。 一、为害水稻的蓟马种类 通过
黑肩绿盲蝽 Cyrtorrhinus lividipennis Reuter 属半翅目、盲蝽科。它能吸食产在水稻叶鞘组织中的稻飞虱卵,是稻虱卵期的重要天敌之一。我所从一九七六年起与金华县病虫观察
近日,中国家用电器维修协会发布了2009年度中国政府采购电子电器安装维修服务满意度测评结果。13个品牌的满意指数高于行业综合满意度指数。 Recently, China Household Ele
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