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万时佳看着他的背影,一时无言,仿佛感到了缓缓流动的悠长时光。八卦要够专业爆炸社是第一中学有名的新闻社团,以报道校园的各种八卦为主,上至校长换了什么颜色的领带,下至校园里多了几株草,只要有爆炸社就一定有八卦。万时佳坐在社长的黑皮软椅上,大大咧咧地把脚摆在整齐的桌面中间:手中拿着各个小编交上来的稿子,嘴里不停地念叨着。稿件一:“小清新盟主王薇向文坛盟主许 Wan Shijia looked at his back, for a moment without words, as if feeling a long time flowing slowly. Gossip to be enough professional explosion club is the first high school news community, to cover all kinds of gossip on the campus, up to the principal for what color the tie, down to the campus a few more grass, as long as the explosion agency There must be gossip. Wan Shijia sitting in the president’s black soft chair, Carefree placed his feet in the middle of the table neatly: hands holding all the manuscripts submitted, his mouth kept talking. Manuscript 1: ”Small fresh monarch Wang Wei to the allegiance of the chief Xu
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