
来源 :麦类作物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xixiaoqiqi
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为了给冬小麦高产栽培提供理论依据,通过多年的高产攻关与小区高产栽培试验,对冬小麦的产量构成因素和产量进行了研究。结果表明,在一定的地区范围内,高产冬小麦丰年穗粒数多,穗粒重高,穗数是构成产量的主导因素,穗粒数次之,千粒重的作用很小,产量随着穗数、穗粒数的增加和千粒重的降低而提高;欠年穗粒数或千粒重大大低于平年,穗粒重低,穗数仍然是构成产量的主导因素,穗粒数次之,千粒重的作用很小,产量随着穗数和穗粒重的增加而提高;平年穗粒数与千粒重互补或穗数与穗粒重互补或穗、粒、重三因素适宜,就能够取得理想产量。因此,不同年份,采取相应技术措施,减少气候条件的不利影响,只有穗数达到甚至突破适宜范围的高限又不倒伏,才能使小麦产量丰年创高产,平年获丰收,欠年不减产。 In order to provide theoretical basis for high-yielding cultivation of winter wheat, the yield components and yield of winter wheat were studied through many years of high-yielding research and high-yielding cultivation experiment in community. The results showed that in a certain area, high-yielding winter wheat had more grains per spike, heavier grains per spike, and more spikelets were the main factors that make up the yield. The number of grains per spike, the effect of 1000-grain weight was very small, The number of grains per spike and the decrease of 1000-grain weight increased. The number of grains per earnage or the thousand-grain weight was significantly lower than that of the normal year. The number of spikelets was still low and the number of spikes was still the dominant factor. , And the yield increased with the increase of panicle number and grain weight. The average grain yield per hectare was the same as that of 1000-grain weight or the number of spikelets per panicle or spike, grain and graver. Therefore, in different years, corresponding technical measures should be taken to reduce the adverse effects of climatic conditions. Only when the number of spikes reaches or even exceeds the upper limit of the appropriate range does not lopsided, can wheat yield hit a high yield in the harvest year, get a bumper harvest year by year, and reduce production in the next year.