
来源 :江西教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laverke
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近年来,芦溪县坚持“公益、普惠、优质”办学原则,破解“入园难、入园贵”难题,率先实现了普惠性幼儿园广覆盖,走出了一条在全省超前发展学前教育的道路。2016年2月芦溪县被列为首批36个国家级学前教育改革实验区之一。当时,江西省委常委殷美根、省教育厅厅长叶仁荪视察了芦溪县两所村级幼儿园——妙泉幼 In recent years, Luxi County persists in the principle of “public service, inclusive service, high quality” and has solved the difficult problem of “entering the park difficultly and entering the park expensively” and took the lead in realizing the wide coverage of the inclusive kindergarten, Advance the development of pre-school education. In February 2016 Luxi County was listed as one of the first batch of 36 state-level pre-school education reform pilot areas. At that time, Yimmei Gen, member of the Standing Committee of Jiangxi Provincial CPC Committee and Ye Rensun, director of the provincial education department, inspected the two kindergartens in Luxi County -
本刊根据读者的要求,自本期起陆续刊登地质经济有关的名词解释。 According to the readers' requirements, this journal has successively published the explanation of
介绍会议的概况;综合重点论文的主要内容;探讨21世纪储粮技术研究方向。 Introduce the general situation of the conference; synthesize the main contents of the key pap
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
根据素质教育的要求,音乐课教学的新理念是“以学生为主体、以审美为核心”。为了达到“审美”这一核心目标,帮助学生更深入地理解音乐,感受 According to the requirements