
来源 :社会主义研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoyangwang
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随着经济高速增长,以及外在客观条件的变化,现存公共服务体系所暴露出的问题明显。如何公平、优质、高效的提供公共服务,成为近年来中国公共服务领域研究的重要课题。为全面把握国内公共服务领域的研究现状,通过对CSSCI数据库收集的1985-2015年间的相关文献进行整理,从宏观和微观两个方面梳理研究现状和相关观点进行。既有的研究集中在公共服务均等化、公共服务市场化、公共服务职责配置、公共财政和服务型政府五个方面。目前研究主题之间的延续性强,但研究成果缺乏突破性、研究方法单一,亟待形成对现实有较强指导作用的相关理论。从理论层面构建适用于中国改革实际的公共服务理论体系应成为下一阶段的研究重点。 With the rapid economic growth and changes in external objective conditions, the problems exposed by the existing public service system are obvious. How to provide public services in a fair, high quality and efficient manner has become an important topic in the field of public service in China in recent years. In order to comprehensively grasp the research status of public services in China, the author collected the relevant literature collected from 1985 to 2015 in the CSSCI database and sorted out the research status quo and relevant opinions from the macro and micro aspects. The existing researches focus on five aspects: the equalization of public services, the marketization of public services, the allocation of public service responsibilities, public finance and service-oriented government. At present, the continuity of the research topics is strong, but the research results are lack of breakthrough and the research methods are single, so it is urgent to form relevant theories that have a strong guiding effect on reality. To construct the theoretical system of public service applicable to the actual situation of China’s reform should be the focus of the next phase of research.
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
First birth interval is one of the examples of survival data. One of the characteristics of survival data is its observation period that is fully unobservable o
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