Semantics-oriented approach for information interoperability and governance:towards user-centric ent

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computer & Electron | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanguoke
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Enterprise architecture (EA) efforts focus on business, technology, data, and application architecture, and their integration. However, less attention has been given to one of the most critical EA elements, i.e., users (EA audiences). As a result, existing EA management systems (EAMS) have become old, large, content-centric document-repositories that are unable to provide meaningful information of use to the enterprise users and aligned with their needs and functional scope. We argue that a semantic technology based mechanism focusing on enterprise information and user-centricity has the potential to solve this problem. In this context, we present a novel ontology-based strategy named the user-centric semantics-oriented EA (U-SEA) model. Based on this model, we have developed a user-centric semantics-oriented enterprise architecture management (U-SEAM) system. Our approach is generic enough to be used in a wide variety of user-centric EAM applications. The results obtained show computational feasibility to integrate and govern enterprise information and to reduce complexity with respect to interoperability between enterprise information and users. Enterprise Architecture (EA) efforts focus on business, technology, data, and application architecture, and their integration. However, less attention has been given to one of the most critical EA elements, ie, users (EA audiences). As a result, existing EA management systems (EAMS) have become old, large, content-centric document-repositories that are unable to provide meaningful information of use to the enterprise users and aligned with their needs and functional scope. We argue that a semantic technology based mechanism mechanisms on enterprise information and user-centricity has the potential to solve this problem. In this context, we present a novel ontology-based strategy named the user-centric semantics-oriented EA (U-SEA) model. Based on this model, we have developed a user-centric semantics-oriented enterprise architecture management (U-SEAM) system. Our approach is generic enough to be used in a wide variety of user-centric EAM applications. The results obtained show computa tional feasibility to integrate and govern enterprise information and to reduce complexity with respect to interoperability between enterprise information and users.
根据世界经济和我国经济发展规律及乡镇企业出现的好势头,根据有关专家客观分析和初步预测,90年代乡镇企业将出现六大发展趋势: 一、企业结构向集团化发展。为适应国内外竞
【摘要】做好中小学数学的教学衔接,不但遵循了数学的系统性和逻辑性的特点,而且对小学生迅速融入中学数学的教学环境,消除因教学方法、教学内容、教学方式的转变给学生带来的陌生感都有显著作用。本文通过对中小学数学教学衔接问题的研究和分析,提出教师在教学中应注意到两者之间存在的差异,从而在教学中对学生作出正确的引导,帮助学生顺利地过渡到初中数学的学习中,全面地提高教学质量和教学效率。  【关键词】小学数学
<正> 1979年版《辞海》关于“神策军”条的释文说:“……德宗初年宦官白志贞,都曾统领此军。贞元时,分神策为左右厢,由宦官窦文场、王希迁分统。……”此文有两处似有明显错误: 一、白志贞并非宦官。《新唐书·白志贞传》载:“事节度使李光弼,硜硜自力,有智数,光弼善之,使与账下议。代宗素闻,及光弼卒,擢累司农卿,在官十年。德宗以为敏,逐倚腹心,进授神策军使。”“从狩奉天,以为行在都知兵马使。惧李怀光暴其恶,乃与赵赞、卢杞等抑怀光不使朝。怀光
国营小企业在市场经济中如何克服劣势,发挥优势,不被“兼并”,闯出—条自我约束、自我发展的道路,是当前一个严峻的课题。 How can state-owned small businesses overcome