
来源 :中国地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenglu84
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Urbanization,especially urban land expansion,has a profound influence on the urban thermal environment.Cities in North-east China face remarkably uneven development and environmental issues,and thus it is necessary to strengthen the diagnosis of thermal e
Considering the complementarity of synchro-tron radiation SAXS and nano-CT in the pore structure detection range,synchrotron radiation SAXS and nano-CT methods were combined to characterize the nano-to micro-pore structure of two bituminous coal samples.I
地磁低点位移法是20世纪提出的地震短临预测方法,该方法通过研究每日中国大陆地磁低点时间变化特征,给出地震短临预测意见,但不足之处是其仅研究了地磁日变化畸变的时间特征,未研究畸变幅度,因此虚报率高.本文通过分析低点位移线两侧台站地磁日变化的相关性,研究了地磁低点位移异常畸变幅度与地震的关系,并统计了2008-2018年出现的162次低点位移异常的地震预测对应率.结果 显示,加入本文给出的相关方法异常判据后,地磁低点位移法报对率自39%增至56%,表明相比仅使用传统的低点位移法,基于日变化相关的地磁低点位移异
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Petrophysics of coals directly affects the development of coalbed methane(CBM).Based on the analysis of the representative academic works at home and abroad,the recent progress on petrophysics characteristics was reviewed from the aspects of the scale-spa
Most coal reservoirs show high gas content with relatively low desorption efficiency,which restricts the efficiency of coalbed methane(CBM)extraction and single-well productivity.This review highlights the desorption hysteresis mechanism and its controlli
The decisions made by agricultural households to adjust to climate change(CC)in Iran are not well known.This study is in-tended to investigate the influence of perceptions and socioeconomic,institutional features on farmers\'adaptation decisions about C