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安全工作是各项工作的保障,它贯穿于部队建设的全过程,牵扯到日常工作的方方面面,因此,强化抓安全工作意识势在必行。一是增强政治意识,从讲政治的高度抓安全工作。抓好安全稳定工作,事关部队建设的顺利开展,事关部队战斗力的生成和提高,事关官兵自身的生命安全,因此,要把安全工作作为政治问题来看待,作为政治任务来完成,组织和落实好安全工作。二是增强科学意识,遵循客观规律抓安全工作。工作中造成对安全防事故工作不利的原因虽然很多,但最主要、最核心的一条就是不按客观规律办事。因此,抓安全工作,必须强化科学意识,从思想认识上做到警钟长鸣、制度保证上严密有效、技术支撑上坚强有力、监督检查上严格细致、事故处理上严肃认真,只有这样才能牢牢把握安全工作的主动权。三是增强法规意识,依据法规制度抓安全工作。军无法不立,法无严不威,法规制度作为军队建设的规范和总结,是作好安全稳定 Safety work is the guarantee of all work. It runs through the entire process of army building and involves every aspect of daily work. Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen awareness of safety work. First, to enhance political awareness, from the political height of security work. To do a good job in security and stability and the smooth development of the troop construction is related to the formation and enhancement of the combat effectiveness of the armed forces and the life and safety of the officers and soldiers themselves. Therefore, we should regard security as a political issue and accomplish it as a political task. And implement safe work. The second is to enhance scientific awareness and follow the objective laws of safety. Although there are many reasons for the adverse work safety accidents caused during the work, the most important and most central one is not to follow objective rules. Therefore, in order to grasp safety work, we must strengthen scientific awareness, make a long-sounded alarm from ideological understanding, be strict and effective in system guarantee, be strong and powerful in technical support, be rigorous and meticulous in supervision and inspection, be serious and serious in handling accidents, and only in this way can we firmly grasp Grasp the security initiative. The third is to enhance the awareness of laws and regulations, according to regulations and systems to seize security. The military can not stand still and its laws are rigorous and without restraint. The laws and regulations as the norms and sums up of army building are safe and stable
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