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EVD是英文Enbanced Versatile Disc的缩写,意思是“增强型多功能光盘”播放机。EVD是我国第一种拥有自主知识产权,掌握核心技术并且控制了标准的制定和修改权的数字音像设备,EVD系统的技术规范,我国已于2001年7月提交国际电工组织和国际标准化组织,有望成为国际标准。2003年11月18日,北京阜国数字技术有限公司在人民大会堂展出了EVD。在世人面前首次公开亮相的EVD,采用了更为优秀的编码技术,其图象清晰度比DVD高出了大约5倍,在声音效果方面首次同时实现了高保真和环绕声的兼容。在世界上首次基于光盘实现了高清晰度数字节目的储存和播放。此外,EVD还具备网络浏览功能,支持汽车交通导航,支持家庭信息网络平台和游戏机功能;EVD凭借着其独有的震撼音效和亮丽画质的完美结合及其强大的广泛适应性,赢得了全世界业内人士的广泛关注。仅从外观上看,EVD与普通VCD,DVD影碟机没有太大的不同,它能兼容目前市面上的绝大多数不同格式的光盘,但从本质上讲,EVD是现有DVD影碟机的升级换代产品,是高清晰度数字电视(HDTV)时代的影碟机。EVD同现有DVD一样,仍然采用了红光技术,以及ISO16448标准的光盘物理格式和12cm的光盘直径,这样可使得现有的DVD光盘驱动器和碟片生产商能够使用原有的生产工艺及设备。EVD采用了与DVD相同的固定容量是4.7GB的DVD-5格式的光盘来存储大信息量的EVD音视频信息,无论是具有高保真与环绕声的音频信息,还是比普通DVD清晰度高5倍的视频信息都比普通DVD信息量大很多。在一张DVD-5格式的光盘上保证这样大信息量的节目播放达到110分钟,主要归功于EVD采用了高效的音视频压缩方法,在盘面总数据量保持不变的情况下,EVD主要依靠改变编码方式来加大信息的储存量。 EVD is an acronym for English Enbanced Versatile Disc, meaning “Enhanced Multi-Function Disc” player. EVD is the first digital audiovisual equipment and EVD system with independent intellectual property right in China, mastering core technology and controlling the formulation and revision of standards, and has been submitted to International Electrotechnical Commission and International Organization for Standardization in July 2001, Is expected to become an international standard. November 18, 2003, Beijing E-States Digital Technology Co., Ltd. in the Great Hall on display EVD. For the first time in public before the public debut of the EVD, using more excellent coding technology, the image clarity of about 5 times higher than the DVD, the first sound effects in both high-fidelity and surround sound compatibility. For the first time in the world, CD-ROMs enable the storage and playback of high-definition digital programs. In addition, EVD also has web browsing capabilities, support for car traffic navigation, support for home information network platform and game consoles features; EVD with its unique combination of stunning sound and bright picture quality and its strong wide adaptability, won The industry’s widespread concern around the world. Only from the appearance, EVD and ordinary VCD, DVD player is not much different, it is compatible with most of the currently available formats on the CD, but in essence, EVD is an upgrade to existing DVD players Replacement products, is a high-definition digital television (HDTV) era DVD player. EVD, like existing DVDs, still uses red technology, as well as the ISO16448 standard optical format and a 12cm disc diameter, which allows existing DVD disc drives and disc manufacturers to use their existing production processes and equipment . EVD uses DVD-5 format CD-ROM with the same fixed capacity of 4.7GB as DVD to store large amount of EVD audio and video information, whether it is high-fidelity and surround sound audio information, or higher definition than normal DVD 5 Times the amount of video information than ordinary DVD information much larger. Ensuring that such a large amount of information is available for 110 minutes on a DVD-5 disc is mainly due to EVD’s efficient audio and video compression method. With the total amount of disk data remaining unchanged, EVD mainly relies on Change the encoding to increase the amount of information stored.