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用“收获指数”这一概念来测定三叶橡胶生产力,迄今尚未得到普遍应用。本文试图得到三叶橡胶属中不同的种,一系列巴西橡胶无性系,以及一个特高产的Ⅰ级无性系收获指数的比较值。还讨论了与产量相关,亦即最终与收获指数相关的一些生理和结构参数。 研究清楚表明,在三叶橡胶树属的各个种中,巴西橡胶的收获指数最高;其实生树群体中,各个体的收获指数也不一样,无性系之间和年份之间,收获指数的差异很明显,树龄的差异也很明显。胶树间的竞争以及胶树体内的同化分配和竞争生理损耗,也影响到胶树的生长,从而也是影响生产力的因素。可以认为,光合能的效率是有差异的,因特别受到无性系性状,树龄或许还有其它生理参数,包括树间竞争等的影响。显然,由于水份输送和乳管系统的生物合成能力的差异等引起的生理损耗的差异性,也可能影响这些生理参数。割胶过程也会影响损耗行为及其效率。 因此,收获指数概念的这些特性,不仅在无性系比较时很有用,而且在测定无性系对割胶过程和对其它环境因素的敏感性时也很有用。 The determination of clover productivity using the concept of “harvest index” has so far not been applied universally. This article attempts to obtain a comparison of the harvest index of different species of the genus Trifolium, a series of Brazilian rubber clones, and a very high-grade clonal clones. Also discussed are some physiological and structural parameters that are related to yield, which is ultimately related to the harvest index. The study clearly shows that in all species of the genus Trifolium, Brazil rubber harvest index highest; in fact, the tree group, the individual harvest index is not the same, between clones and the year, the difference is very significant harvest index Obviously, the difference in age is also obvious. The competition among the gum trees and the assimilation distribution and competition physiological loss in the gum tree also affect the growth of the gum tree and thus the factors that affect the productivity. It can be considered that the efficiency of photosynthesis varies because of the climatic traits, age, and perhaps other physiological parameters, including the effects of inter-tree competition. Obviously, these physiological parameters may also be affected by differences in physiological losses due to differences in water transport and biosynthesis of the mammary duct system. The tapping process also affects the loss behavior and its efficiency. Therefore, these characteristics of the harvest index concept are useful not only for comparison of clones, but also for determining the sensitivity of clones to the tapping process and to other environmental factors.
一转眼,钟楚红丧夫12年了。她与朱家鼎每年出国旅行,朱家鼎教她摄影、品红酒、看美景。一个懂格调的男人与一个会生活的女人,开开心心玩了16年。朱家鼎去世后,她继续打理花园、游山玩水、开影展……命运带走了她的爱人,却留下了爱人教会她的那些好玩的技能和她脸上少女般的笑容。  所谓伉俪情深,最理想的状态,就是一起去玩。情感導师经常教育我们:要找三观相似的人。什么才算三观相似?最基本的要求是,能玩到一起。“
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从计划经济时代的海口罐头厂到如今中国最大天然果汁饮料企业,从连续5年亏损、濒临破产到如今每年上缴税金6亿元,椰树集团掌门人王光兴靠着迎难而上的三把火,创造了经营奇迹。  一提到海南岛,眼前总会浮现椰林树影、蓝天白云、水清沙幼的美景,还有那甘甜洁白的椰汁,让人念念不忘。  提到椰汁,也会让人想起椰树集团。椰树集团2016年开门红会议上传出消息:尽管2015年国家经济下行压力大,众多饮料企业出现10%