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人类在创造物质世界的同时也打造出具有不同时代特征的文化产品,精神文明与物质文明在历史进程中始终相辅相成。发展文化产业就是发展生产力。发展文化产业是国际共识“文化产业”的概念起源于第二次世界大战结束后的1947年。当时的世界刚刚进入冷战时期。德国法兰克福学派的代表人物阿多诺和霍克海默出版了《启蒙的辩证法》,首次提出“文化产业”概念,目的是要将大众文化消费引进文化产业链条,将文化产业作为国家控制意识形态的手段。这种观点随即引起西方学界的激烈争论,新的概念性诠释不断提出,至今也没有形成统一的观点。但有一点可以肯定,冷战后的多极世界,文化在综合国 While creating the material world, mankind has also created cultural products characterized by different times. Spiritual civilization and material civilization have always been mutually reinforcing in the historical process. Developing cultural industries means developing productive forces. The development of cultural industry is an international consensus. The concept of “cultural industry” originated in 1947 after the end of World War II. The world was just entering the Cold War era. The German Frankfurt School representatives Adorno and Horkheimer published the Enlightenment Dialectics, first proposed the concept of “cultural industries”, the purpose is to introduce mass cultural consumption into the cultural industry chain, the cultural industry as a national awareness of control Form of means. This view then aroused heated debate in the Western academic community, the new conceptual interpretation constantly put forward, so far there is no formation of a unified point of view. However, one thing is certain: the multi-polar world after the Cold War and its culture are in an integrated country
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在月光被典做李白的酒钱,看星星也成奢望的夜晚,你的目光越过黑色河流,望向远方烛照般闪烁的灯火。仿佛那里仍有一个童年,仍有油灯下纳鞋底的母亲,等着你!  机器轰鸣和车轮旋起的澜,瞬间就让你回到一个不想触碰的现实,所有遐思已随流水飘远,所有回忆都留有现实的咬痕。  房里电视失真的肥皂剧和掺水的新闻令你倍觉孤单。亲人散在四方,千山万水万水千山。用空调的冷气,将一颗滚烫的心,雪藏。  踱步。呆望天花板。在
喜黄河  河,是一座城市的年轮。  郑州,因一条大河流过而自豪,而悲伤,而欢笑。  当然,黄河并不属于郑州,她只是从郑州身边流过。但是,黄河流经郑州,留下了太多的故事。这些用泪与笑写成的故事,全都流进了民族的史册。  史前的大河村遗址,存留了远祖的身影。邙山炎黄广场,展示着先贤的鼎盛。  邙山有大禹岭。大禹站在山岭之巅。大禹乃治理黄河的始祖。禹受舜命,修理河道。经过数十载不懈的努力,不羁的黄河第一