
来源 :中国石油企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anjo888
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就要过去的2015年,是时代背景最具特色、行业特征最突出的一年。整个石油石化行业都跌入了十余年以来的谷底:油价一波一波地落,气价一次一次地降,整个行业的利润大幅度下跌。在各种不利因素相互叠加的情况下,中国石油石化行业担当起了国家能源供应的重任,满足了经济和社会发展对能源需求的增长,用行动诠释了三大石油公司的经济责任、政治责任和社会责任。我们不妨用时、事、实、势四个字来完成对2015年的回顾和对2016年的展望。让我们在回顾与展望中,更加感知事件背后蕴含的哲理:这是一个变革的时代,变是时代的最强音。 It is about the past 2015, the most distinctive background of the times, the most prominent feature of the industry. The entire petroleum and petrochemical industry has fallen into the bottom of more than ten years: oil prices fell wave after wave of gas prices dropped again and again, the entire industry profits dropped significantly. With various unfavorable factors superimposed on each other, China’s oil and petrochemical industry took on the heavy responsibility of supplying the country’s energy, meeting the growth of energy demand for economic and social development and interpreting the economic responsibilities and political responsibilities of the three major oil companies with their actions And social responsibility. We may wish to use the words, facts, realities and potential to complete the 2015 review and outlook for 2016. In retrospect and outlook, let us be more aware of the philosophies behind the events: It is an era of change and a change of time is the strongest voice.
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