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  Things you must NOT do to concentrate better while studying:
  1. Focusing on Things Out of Your Control把注意力放在不能控制的事上
  It’s one week until you have final exam or test, but you haven’t even looked at the material that’s covered yet. Oh god, stress overload. Why didn’t I start studying earlier? You need to focus on what you can do and take back control over the situation. You still got a week left to work with.
  2. Approaching Study as a Chore认为学习很烦
  There’s a big difference between HAVING or WANTING to do something. Do you have to study? No. You want to study. No one is forcing you to study and even if they try, you finally have the choice as to whether you will study or not. When you consider studying as something you want to do, it’s a change that has a great impact on how well you study.
  3. Studying Without Setting a Clear Goal学习目标不明确
  You need to know clearly where you’re going and what you’re going to accomplish during your study session. And that brings us to our next point.
  4. Not Using Different Study Methods and Tools没有运用不同的学习方法和工具
  Quizzing yourself and recalling answers is a great method for studying multi-choice exams. Flash cards greatly help with memorizing facts. Studying doesn’t only mean reading text books, highlighting things, or re-reading your notes.
  5. Copying How Other People Study照搬他人的学习方法
  Some people are “geniuses” that can read something just once and remember everything they read. We all have unique strengths and weaknesses—your job is to figure out what yours lie.Are you more visual, auditory, or kinesthetic? If you find reading textbooks difficult, switch over to audio material by listening to lectures and finding videos online.
  6. Studying at the Worst Time状态最不好时学习
  There are periods of time throughout the day when we’re more switched on, alert, and able to concentrate. You need to discover what the best times of the day are in order for you to con-centrate.
  一天中有些时间段我们的大脑会更兴奋、思维更敏捷、更专心。你需要找到一天中学习效率最高的时间段,以便集中注意力。   7. Setting Yourself up for Failure in Bad Environments让自己待在糟糕的环境里走向失败
  Make sure when you study with others they’re serious about studying and aren’t there to just goof off and socialize. Also make sure you hide your phone out of sight and put it on airplane mode so you aren’t tempted by it.
  8. Studying Like a Mad Man像疯子一样学习
  You need frequent breaks to be able to concentrate. By taking a mini break then coming back to study, you’ll“refresh” your ability to concentrate. Make sure you get enough rest and that you sleep well.
  9. Finishing Study Without Reflecting只学习不反思
  You should reflect to learn more about how you study best. You need to take note of what worked and what didn’t work throughout your study session, so you can make use of that knowledge in the future.
  10. Long Time Being Seated久坐
  After you’ve spent a few hours studying, take a longer break and go for a run, hit the gym, or play a sport with some friends. This will help you concentrate more easily and allow you to study better.
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编者注:为了提高同学的英语写作水平,使大家在中考中立于不败之地,应广大师生的要求,我们开辟了“学生习作名师点评”栏目。同学们如果想让自己的英语习作得到名师的点评,请邮寄给我们。老师们如果发现自己学生的优秀习作需推荐的话,请按栏目要求邮寄给我们。    【栏目要求】  1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩;2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;  3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由;4. 给
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学习一门语言会受到学习内在动力和学习自身特点等内因和外因的影响。英语学习是一个从语言输入到语言处理再到语言输出的过程。在初中阶段学习英语,同学们要善于抓住重点,做好笔记,并能对所学内容进行整理和归纳。学会做课堂笔记是学好语言的一门“必修课”。做好英语课堂笔记,其实就是要求同学们善于捕捉关键信息,记录课堂上老师所讲的重点内容,课后再进行梳理内化,是初中生英语学习的输入过程之一。  在记录英语课堂笔记
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