每个人都难免会有心情沮丧、情绪不佳的时候。关键是如何及时调整精神状态,摆脱不良情绪的干扰。如下几种简便易行的方法,可以提供读者一试。 昂首阔步 科学实验证明,当人体处于静止休息状态时,每平方毫米肌肉中只有80条左右的末梢毛细血管开放,而当进行包括步行在内的适度运动时,毛细血管可开放到1000-2000条,这样,供给肌肉组织的营养物质就大大增加,并且能够及时排除其代谢过程中产生的乳酸和二氧化碳,使心脏每分钟的搏出量增大,肺活量增强,保证脑细胞需要的氧气供应,提高神经系统的稳定性,从而消除情绪不佳时所产生的精神及躯体方面的疲劳。 基于此,美国史基摩尔学院的心理学家莎拉·史诺拉斯提出了一个摆脱不良情绪的方法,即
Everyone will inevitably be depressed, when bad mood. The key is how to timely adjust the mental state, get rid of bad mood interference. Here are some simple and easy ways to provide readers a try. Swagger Scientific experiments show that when the body is at rest, only about 80 per square millimeter of peripheral capillaries open, and when moderate exercise, including walking, the capillary can be opened to 1000-2000, In this way, the supply of nutrients to muscle tissue is greatly increased, and can be promptly ruled out the metabolic process of lactic acid and carbon dioxide generated, so that the heart beats per minute increase, increased lung capacity to ensure that the brain cells need oxygen supply and improve nerve System stability, thus eliminating the emotional and physical fatigue. Based on this, Sarah Snoras, a psychologist at the Schimmel College in the United States, came up with a way to get rid of the bad mood