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龋病是乳牙期儿童最主要的口腔疾病。本文目的旨在对乳牙龋病的好发部位及好发牙面进行重点分析,以进一步揭示乳牙龋病的发病特点及其规律,为防治龋齿提供依据。 1 材料和方法本研究选择北京市区5所幼儿园906名(男483名,女423名)儿童作为调查分祈对象,年龄自2岁至6岁。龋病发病情况按全国龋病、牙周病调查委员会制定的统一标准记录,乳牙龋、补及确因龋而丧失的乳牙均作为龋齿计数,一个牙齿多个牙面有龋病均详细纪录其部位及龋度。检查方法主要是视诊和探诊,未作X线检查。 Dental caries is the most important oral disease in children with deciduous teeth. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the predilection sites and the occurrence of dental surface in deciduous teeth deciduous caries so as to further reveal the characteristics and rules of deciduous deciduous caries and provide evidence for the prevention and treatment of dental caries. 1 Materials and Methods In this study, 906 children (483 males and 423 females) from 5 kindergartens in Beijing were enrolled in this study. Their ages ranged from 2 to 6 years. The incidence of dental caries by the national caries, periodontal disease survey committee to develop a uniform standard records, deciduous caries, make up and indeed decay due to deciduous teeth were counted as dental caries, a tooth with a number of dental caries were recorded in detail Location and degree of caries. The main method of examination is the diagnosis and exploration, did not make X-ray examination.
本文对牙周炎症与免疫球蛋白的关系进行了研究,以30名健康人作为对照,53名有牙周炎症的患者牙周病指数均在4以上。测得的血清免疫球蛋白 IgA、IgG、IgM 和唾液 SIgA、IgM 结
《电网与电厂计算机监控系统及调度数据网络安全防护规定》已经国家经济贸易委员会主任办公会议讨论通过,自2002年6月8日起施行。 第一条 为防范对电网和电厂计算机监控系统
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七十年代以来,人们对解剖上分区明确的翼外肌上下头的功能给予重新认识,提出了两个头各具独立功能的观点,陆续得到了一些对猴或人的翼外肌上下头肌电研究的证 Since the 19
James Paget 于100多年前首次描述了变形性骨炎(Paget 骨病),但至今对其病因仍无满意解释。目前对该病的病因主要有如下几种看法:1.炎性疾病;2.遗传性疾病;3.肿瘤;4.血管疾