改进播种方式 提高经济效益

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改进我区农民固有的播种方式——撒播为顺犁沟条播或机播,既提高出苗率,节省用种,又增加亩穗数,提高产量,过去是,现在仍然是简单易行、成本低、经济效益高的增产措施。六十年代初我所在农村基点就提出并推广了顺犁沟条播和机播,如今,撒播面积又有回升。顺犁沟条播的质量和机播面积有所下降,有必要提出来重新认识,以提高顺犁沟条播的质量和扩大机播面积。根据我所历来的多点调查,用藏犁耕种,撒播种子出苗率只有42—58%,平均51%左右。顺犁沟条播,在做好播种质量的前提下,出苗率可达55—72%,平均67%左右,比撒播提高出苗率16%左右;马拉七行播种机可达78—81%,平均80%左右,比撒播出苗率提高29%左右。一般顺犁沟条播比撒播每亩节省用种3—5斤,机播比撒播节省5—8斤。按青稞常年播种面积170多万亩计,用顺犁沟条播比撒播全区每年可节省用种510—810万斤,机播可达千万斤以上。如今,有不少地方,不是以改进播种方式,提高播种质量来增加基本苗,而是用增加播种量的办法,浪费更大.自山地犁在我区普遍应用以来,虽说是顺犁沟条播,可是将种子撒到犁底,由于覆土过深,出苗率过低,只有20—30%,基本苗仍然不足。从上述情况可见,改进播种方式,提高播种质量,很有必要,不能看不上这一技术措施。 Improve the inherent planting methods of farmers in our district - Sowing for sowing or sowing along the furrows can not only increase the germination rate, save seeds, increase the number of ears per acre and increase the yield, but it is still simple and low cost , Economic increase production measures. At the beginning of the 1960s, rural areas where I was based put forward and popularized the sowing and sowing machines along the furrow. Nowadays, the sowing area has picked up again. Shun Furrow groove broadcast quality and sowing area declined, it is necessary to come forward to re-understanding, in order to improve the Shun Furrow Sowing quality and expand the sowing area. According to the multi-point investigation I have ever experienced, with the Tibetan plow cultivation, the sowing seed germination rate is only 42-58%, an average of about 51%. Shun furrow sowing, in good quality of sowing under the premise of the emergence rate of up to 55-72%, an average of about 67%, compared with sowing to increase the emergence rate of about 16%; Mara seven rows of seeders up to 78-81% An average of about 80%, than the broadcast seedling rate increased by 29%. Sow furrow sowing than the general broadcast sowing 3-5 acres per mu saving, sowing than sowing 5-8 pounds. By planting more than 170 million mu of barley perennial planting area, it can save 510-810 kg of seeds per year by using broadcast-sowing and sowing than sowing in the whole area of ​​the region, and the machine can sow more than 10 million kilos. Nowadays, there are quite a few places where we can not waste more by improving sowing methods, raising sowing quality and increasing basic sowing but by increasing sowing rate. Since mountain plow has been widely used in our district, , But the seeds sprinkled plow bottom, due to overburden too deep, the emergence rate is too low, only 20-30%, the basic seedling is still not enough. It can be seen from the above situation that it is necessary to improve the planting methods and improve the planting quality and can not disregard this technical measure.
原平县阎庄乡南大常村1985年种植地膜花生50亩,平均亩产达到了325公斤,梁恩科种植的6亩平均亩产达到了425公斤,在全村夺魁。他的栽培技术如下。 Yuanping County Yanzhuang
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