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近几年来,章丘市人武部党委广泛组织民兵开展以学习《邓小平文选》树立四个形象、争做“四有”民兵为主题的读书育人活动。 市人武部成立了由政委任组长,部长、副部长任副组长,各科科长参加的全市民兵读书育人活动领导小组。指导各基层单位成立了相应的组织机构,为各乡镇培训了220名读书骨干。 为了使活动真正在基层动起来、热起来,他们注意营造浓厚的读书气氛。会同宣传部、广播电视局等单位利用广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体对开展读书育人活动进行广泛宣传,使读书育人活动形成了良好的社会氛围。农村民兵连主要是以民兵之家为阵地,集中在晚上学习,及时登记。几个月来,全市各级共举办读书汇报会、演讲会、事迹报告会156场,60%的民兵连举行了革命 In recent years, the Zhangqiu Municipal People’s Armed Police Department Party Committee extensively organized the militia to carry out study and education activities aimed at learning “Deng Xiaoping’s Literary Selections,” establishing four images and striving to be the “four” militia. Municipal People’s Armed Forces set up by the political commissar of the leader, minister, deputy minister as deputy leader, chief of various sections to participate in the city’s militia reading and education leading group. Instruct various grass-roots units to set up corresponding organizations and train 220 backbone personnel for each township. In order to make the activities really move at the grassroots level, get up, they pay attention to create a strong atmosphere of reading. In conjunction with the Propaganda Department, Radio and Television Bureau and other news agencies, they used radio, television, newspapers and other news media to widely publicize the activities of reading and educating people so that the book-reading and educating activities formed a good social atmosphere. The Militia Company in rural areas is mainly based on the militia home, focusing on studying at night and registering in time. Over the past few months, 156 informational reports, speeches and deeds have been held at all levels in the city, and 60% of the militia even held a revolution
云南威信县人武部依靠科技扶贫,见效快,成绩大。 簸火村马家坪、下马田是全县最贫穷的两个苗族社,也是出了名的“老大难”社。过去有单位去扶过贫,但仍有一半人没有解决温饱
最近,四川省巴中市市委常委、市人武部政委唐润富和市人武部部长陈剑英率领机关干部对全市扶贫点上贫困户进行访贫问苦,帮助他们缓解了生产、生活中的困难。 在特困企业市五
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