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国有企业转换经营机制为什么这么难?企业的经济效益为什么总是提不高?症结在哪里?现在看来,不理顺产权关系,解决国有资产的产权管理问题,企业就难以成为真正的市场主体,社会主义市场经济体制也就难以建立。正确认识产权在社会主义市场经济体制下的地位和意义,转变观念,明确指导思想,建立与新体制相适应的国有资产管理体制和管理方法,已经无可退避地提到了当前经济工作的日程上来。 Why is it so difficult for state-owned enterprises to change their operating mechanism? Why is the company’s economic benefits always low? What is the crux of the matter? Now, it seems that if companies do not rationalize property rights relations and solve the problem of property rights management of state-owned assets, it will be difficult for companies to become real market players. The socialist market economic system will also be difficult to establish. Correctly understanding the status and significance of property rights under the socialist market economic system, changing the concept, clarifying the guiding ideology, and establishing a state-owned asset management system and management method that are compatible with the new system have irrevocably mentioned the current agenda of economic work. .
原发于中枢神经系统的恶性黑色素瘤,比较少见。由于临床上缺乏典型的症状与体征,故术前作出正确诊断者较为困难,我院收治2例,报告如下。 临床资料 例1,女,8岁。主诉反复头昏
我院于1974~1983年10年间共收治白血病68例,其中并发脑出血5例,现报告如下。 68 cases of leukemia were treated in our hospital from 1974 to 1983, including 5 cases o
党的十四大提出我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制,这标志着市场经济将成为我国经 The Party’s 14th National Congress proposed that the goal of Chin
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