Mathematical Modeling of Heat Transfer Processes of Coal Waste Combustion in a Chamber of Automated

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuang321
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The automated energy generating complex allows obtaining heat energy from waste coal-water slurry fuel (WCF) that is a mixture of fine coal particles from coal enrichment wastes with water. The mixture is blown into the swirl chamber under the pressure through the special sprayers. The received heat energy is used in different ways. One of the important issues is to estimate the heat losses through the walls of this chamber. In this paper we solved the boundary problem of mathematical physics to estimate the temperature fields in the walls of the swirl chamber. The obtained solution allows us to estimate the heat losses through the walls of the swirl chamber. The task of the mathematical physics has been solved by a numerical finite-difference method. The method for solving this problem can be used in the calculation of temperature fields and evaluation of heat losses in other thermal power units. The automated energy generating complex allows heating heat from waste coal-water slurry fuel (WCF) that is a mixture of fine coal particles from coal enrichment wastes with water. The mixture is blown into the swirl chamber under the pressure through the special sprayers. The received heat energy is used in different ways. One of the important issues is to estimate the heat problem through the walls of the swirl The task of the mathematical physics has been solved by a numerical finite-difference method. The method for solving this problem can be used in the swirl chamber. The task of the mathematical physics has been solved by a numerical finite-difference method. temperature fields and evaluation of heat losses in other thermal power units.
The present paper describes an optimization work to obtain the properties related to a pyrolysis process in the solid material such as density, specific heat, c
摘要:马克思在《导言》中,首先从政治社会的角度批判传统宗教,进而延伸到对德国政治制度的批判。他认为人的本质应以客观现实为基础,而用于社会管理的政治制度应当与宗教相互分离,并应当以维护人的平等自由为宗旨,这些观点对马克思主义的发展具有重要意义。  关键词: 《导言》;批判;宗教;政治;平等  中图分类号:A811 文献标识码:A文章编号:CN61-1487-(2018)06-0052-02  《黑格
朝阳区干部培训部门以培训研究为先导,以重点项目为载体,以实践改进为指向,践行“唤醒”培训理念,完善分崗、分类、分层、分级的培训体系,形成系统、多元、开放的培训格局,推动了干部培训的科学发展和干部队伍的专业发展。  朝阳区加强组织领导,健全管理机制,推进“教育家计划”“翱翔计划”“青蓝计划”,完善干部培训调研机制、质量监控及评估机制、基地资源建设机制,形成了有朝阳特色的干训工作模式。1.注重制度建设
教育的本质就是朴实的。我们做具体的教育工作,也应当是朴朴实实的。  “朴实”,即质朴、纯朴、俭朴、真实、务实、扎实,这六个词从不同角度揭示做朴实教育的内涵。质朴,强调做有内涵的教育,不追求表面上的奢华;纯朴,强调保持教育的本色,不刻意去粉饰;俭朴,强调做教育要俭以养德,不铺张浪费;真实,强调尊重规律做教育,不风来即雨,刻意标新立异,瞎折腾;务实,强调工作态度要脚踏实地,不虚浮,不做表面文章;扎实,
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