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做一分便是一分,做一寸便是一寸记者面前的韩伟平和质朴,不穿名牌,出行基本不带司机,不带秘书,看起来和普通的大连百姓没有任何区别,但一张口却是不同的格局:“这五座山头是我的,这片海域也是我的。”韩伟指着自己的“地盘儿”告诉《中国企业家》。他拥有中国最大的蛋鸡生产企业,第一个鸡蛋驰名商标“咯咯哒”和全国最大的鸡蛋行业营销网络。人称“鸡司令”的韩伟认为自己30年来坚守农业阵地,终有所成,是三农问题的见证者、亲历者和推动者。“华西村是农村工业化进程、城市化进程的典 Do one point is a point, one inch is an inch of press before Han Weiping and simple, do not wear designer clothes, basic travel without a driver, without a secretary, looks ordinary Dalian people does not make any difference, but a mouth Is a different pattern: ”The five hills are mine, this is my sea.“ ”Han Wei pointed to his“ site ”to tell“ Chinese entrepreneurs. ” He owns China’s largest egg production company, the first egg well-known trademark “giggle ” and the country’s largest egg industry marketing network. Han Wei, who is known as the “Chicken Commander,” believes that he has finally become an agricultural leader for 30 years and is the witness, witness and promoter of the three agricultural issues. "Huaxi Village is the process of rural industrialization, urbanization process
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