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目的了解贵州省兴义市结核病的流行现状及危害,评价兴义市结核病防治措施,为制定兴义市2016至2020年结病防治规划提供科学依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,在兴义市26个乡镇、街道办事处首先收集整理所有乡镇(街道)户籍人口,保障抽取对象为15岁及以上的常住居民1 000人以上的村,随机抽取一个村作为结核病流行病学调查点,共抽样调查1 016人。对所有参与调查人员进行DR胸片;对胸片异常及疑有肺结核症状者进行痰涂片和痰培养检查,对培养阳性的标本进行菌种鉴定和药物敏实验。结果兴义市活动性肺结核患者患病率为196.85/10万,男女比为1:1,涂阳肺结核患病率为98.42/10万;菌阳患病率为98.42/10万;肺结核患病率和涂阳、菌阳的患病率男性高于女性;老年人结核病患病率高于中青年患病率;结论本次调查了解兴义市结核病流行现状和2000年以来开展现代结核病控制策略防治成效,有关资料及其研究分析结果为政府制订控制结核病流行的决策和相关研究提供了科学依据。 Objective To understand the epidemic status and harm of tuberculosis in Xingyi City of Guizhou Province, evaluate the control measures of tuberculosis in Xingyi City, and provide a scientific basis for planning the prevention and control of tuberculosis in Xingyi from 2016 to 2020. Methods A stratified cluster random sampling method was used to collect and sort out the population of all townships (towns) in 26 townships and sub-districts in Xingyi City to ensure that the villages of more than 1,000 permanent residents aged 15 and above were protected. A village was randomly selected as the tuberculosis epidemiological survey point, a total of 1 016 people sampled. DR chest radiographs were performed on all participating investigators; sputum smear and sputum culture tests were performed on those with abnormal chest X-ray findings and suspected tuberculosis symptoms, and strain identification and drug susceptibility testing were performed on positive culture specimens. Results The prevalence of active pulmonary tuberculosis in Xingyi was 196.85 / 100 000, the ratio of male to female was 1: 1, the prevalence of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis was 98.42 / 100 000; the prevalence of bacilli was 98.42 / 100 000; tuberculosis Prevalence rate of smear-positive, prevalence rate of bacilli in males was higher than that in females; the prevalence of tuberculosis in the elderly was higher than that in middle-aged and adolescents; Conclusion The survey found out the prevalence of tuberculosis in Xingyi and the strategy of modern tuberculosis control since 2000 The results of the prevention and treatment, the relevant data and the results of their research and analysis provide the scientific basis for the government to make policy decisions and related research on controlling the epidemic of tuberculosis.
通道是一方改写了历史、创造了奇迹的红色热土。  1934年12月的通道转兵是红军战略转变的开始。我感悟良多,油然而生探问这方红土地山山水水的感慨:  一问侗乡风雨桥,道路真的决定命运吗?  80年前的通道,就是中央紅军万里长征途中的临时停歇点。当时的中央红军,面临着生死存亡的艰难抉择,部队由出发时的8.6万人锐减至3万余人,疲惫不堪,战斗力明显下降。在何去何从的关键时刻,毛泽东以其睿智的军事洞察力
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
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