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一、正面作用 目前香港正处于从制造业主导型转向服务业主导型的经济转型时期。一方面大部分劳动密集型的生产工序相继迁往土地及劳动力资源丰富、成本低廉的中国大陆和亚洲其他地区。特别是1987年以来呈现出制造业加速外移的趋势,1994年香港在大陆加工制造的附加值已达香港本地工业附加值的3倍。但1995年制造业外迁势头有所收缩,甚至出现回流的案例,表明香港大规模外移制造业暂告结束,制造业主导型经济已让位于服务业主导型经济。另一方面服务业明显扩大,特别是金融服务(如融资、财务、投资等)、贸易服务(如运输、进出口、市场推广)、信息服务(如电讯、传媒、广告、科技)及各种专业服务(如工程技术、法律、市场中介等)发展迅速。据有关统计,目前香港服务业已占全港生产总值的80%以上,吸纳就业人口占劳动力的80%以上,近年平均增 I. Positive Role At present, Hong Kong is in the transitional period from manufacturing-oriented to service-oriented. On the one hand, most of the labor-intensive production processes have been relocated to mainland China and other parts of Asia where the land and labor resources are abundant and the costs are low. In particular, the manufacturing industry has shown an upward trend of relocation since 1987. In 1994, the added value of Hong Kong’s manufacturing and processing in the Mainland reached three times that of Hong Kong’s local industrial added value. However, the trend of contraction in manufacturing exports in 1995 or even a return to the situation shows that the mass outward manufacturing industry in Hong Kong has been temporarily ended and the manufacturing-oriented economy has given way to a service-oriented economy. On the other hand, the service industry has expanded significantly. In particular, financial services such as financing, finance and investment, trade services such as transport, import and export, marketing, information services such as telecommunications, media, advertising and technology, Professional services (such as engineering, law, market intermediaries, etc.) are developing rapidly. According to relevant statistics, at present, the service industry in Hong Kong has accounted for more than 80% of the GDP of Hong Kong and the employed population has absorbed more than 80% of the workforce. The average increase in recent years
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景宁畲族自治县人民医院是1984年设县后发展起来的综合性医院,是全县最大的集医疗、急救、科研、宣教于一体的二级医院,也是省级爱婴医院。医院座落县城鹤溪河畔,占地1480 J