Application of ″Black Box″ to fault diagnosis of rotating machine

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lengyue982
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Presents the successful application of an accident recalling system in the Linyuan refine oil works as part of a rotating machine vibration state monitoring and fault diagnosis system which consists of vibration pre processor,comparator and plus generator, and system gives the CPU of vibration state monitoring and fault diagnose system an interrupt plus when the vibration amplitude exceed a dangerous level to enable it to sample and store the vibration data and gets the accident data timely because the interval between the happening of accident and the beginning of sampling are shorter than 1 ms. Presents the successful application of an accident recalling system in the Linyuan refine oil works as part of a rotating machine vibration state monitoring and fault diagnosis system which consists of vibration pre processor, comparator and plus generator, and system gives the CPU of vibration state monitoring and fault diagnose system an interrupt plus when the vibration amplitude exceed a dangerous level to enable it to sample and store the vibration data and gets the accident data timely because the interval between the happening of accident and the beginning of sampling are shorter than 1 ms.
吃过午饭,我在阳台上涂指甲油。一只老猫不知从什么地方溜进我家。从它那丰腴的体态看,这是一只养尊处优的猫。它被照料得很好,不像是一只无家可归的流浪猫。  这只猫悄无声息地来到我面前。我伸手在它的头顶上轻拍几下,猫很温顺地对我叫了几声,随我进了房间。它缓步来到我的卧室,在我的梳妆台旁边找个地方,安静地趴在地板上,蜷缩着身体睡在那儿。  一个多小时以后,这只猫起身来到门口。我打开门,让它出去了。  第二
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介绍了二院某重点型号弹上设备研制中开展综合标准化工作的做法 ,即标准化工作重心前移、狠抓规范化设计、标准化大纲的适时制定与修订、加大标准化检查力度和有效开展产品“
据报道,英国航天科学家和国防鉴定与研究局正在研制一种低成本的“战术光学卫星”。  这种卫星可快速提供高清晰度的图像,可由部队直接控制,用于战术应用。该卫星重100千克,可