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作为一名依赖于写作的观察者,如果我们过度相信自己的眼睛,往往只能看到现实的此岸而不是彼岸,从而被眼睛活生生地蒙骗。“眼睛是心灵的窗口”早已欺世盗名。面对眼睛,心灵往往沦为废品。现实本无此岸与彼岸之分,如果有,中间那条江,必然叫无知。恰恰是,我们的眼睛和心灵早已划江而治。眼睛在这头,心灵在那头。现实主义文学何以困守此岸,迟迟过不了江?前一阵美国持续发生着一件在美国人看来司空见惯的事情,民众占领华尔街时喊得最响亮的口号是反对阶级剥削和压迫,现实理由之一是生产资料被少数人占有,导致大量产业工人失业。中国人和美国人都是人,生活的空间和土壤离不开三大背景:政治、经济和文化。但时下的中国文人很奇怪,提起政治和经 As an observer who relies on writing, if we overestimate our own eyes, we can only see this side of the reality instead of the other side, so that we can be deceived by our eyes. “Eye is the window of the soul ” has long been deceived. In the face of the eyes, the soul is often reduced to waste. The reality of this shore and the other side of this point, if any, the middle of the river, inevitably called ignorance. Precisely, our eyes and mind have long been crossed. Eyes in this head, soul in the other end. Why did the realistic literature stick to the other side of the river and lag behind the river? The last time in the United States, something that was routinely seen by the Americans and the slogan people shouted the most when occupying Wall Street was to oppose class exploitation and oppression. First, the ownership of the means of production by a few people has led to the loss of a large number of industrial workers. Both Chinese and Americans are human beings. Their living space and soil are inseparable from three major backgrounds: politics, economy and culture. But now the Chinese literati are weird, bringing politics and scriptures
上期《不妨一直“鸟”下去》一文,作者也是孙贵颂。但由于我们校对粗疏,竟将署名错为李贵颂。在此,谨向孙先生及读者致深深歉意。 The last “may wish ” bird “go” one