Hatching Success

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  Tang huiyong was no novice when it comes to working on agricultural cooperation projects abroad. But in spite of his experience, he had pangs of anxiety on being selected by the Ministry of Agriculture for a Chinese Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) program in Ethiopia in 2011.
  “The ATVET is different from the previous projects [I have worked on]. It focuses on education and training, requiring teachers to have not only theoretical and practical knowledge, but also high English communication skills. We have to teach in English,” said the Chinese teacher.
  The ATVET program was co-launched by the Chinese and Ethiopian governments. In 2000, the then Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi proposed the Chinese Government send agricultural experts to teach in Ethiopian vocational colleges. A year later, the two governments signed the ATVET program agreement and China sent its first group of more than 20 agricultural experts to launch the program.
  In 2011, Tang was sent to the Agarfa ATVET College in Oromia, Ethiopia’s largest and most populated region, to teach students how to raise chickens. Things didn’t go smoothly at the start.
  “I was not confident of my English, especially the English terms,” recalled Tang. “In addition, the local teachers and students spoke English with a strong accent, which added to communication difficulties.”
  To overcome these challenges, Tang burnt the midnight oil determinedly learning the professional English terms he needed. He also made use of every opportunity to chat with the local teachers so as to familiarize himself with the local accent. In just two months, he was communicating freely with his Ethiopian peers. At the same time, he also picked up simple local phrases, using them to spice up his classes.
  “In my first year, I was honored to be regarded as the most popular Chinese teacher in my college, and I scored the highest among all Chinese teachers in the terminal assessment,” Tang said.
   Chicken incubation guru
  The 51-year-old graduated from the Hunan Agricultural University in 1987, majoring in animal husbandry. He spent three years in the Pacific island nation of Micronesia for a South-South cooperation project launched by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and represented Micronesia at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.
  At the Agarfa ATVET College, he is credited with artificially incubating the college’s first batch of chickens and has been dubbed the “father of artificially incubated chickens.”
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