A study of aqueous humour proteins in patients of primary open angle glaucoma

来源 :生命科学与技术进展(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:enhanyi
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Aims: To investigate the changes in the protein composition of aqueous humour in primary open angle glaucoma patients and non-glaucomatous subjects. Patients and Methods: Case control study was conducted at a university hospital to compare the protein pro
萨孜勒克石岩岩产于中泥盆统区域变质岩系中。矿 有2个矿体5种矿石类型:绿色石英岩,黑色石英岩,暗绿岩,杂色石英岩,云状石英石。石板抗折强度27.76MPa,抗压强度217.87MPa。可广泛用于建筑物内,外饰面,还
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Control rod is used to change the power in nuclear reactor.?Certainly, the core at any moment can be made subcritical condition and shut downs when occurring?to
1 每年的春检和预防性试验工作,都应把隔离开关及母线支柱绝缘子作为重点检查对象,利用试验手段,对使用年限时间长、持怀疑的绝缘子,进行超声波探伤测试,并根据积累的监测绝缘子裂